Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Horizon (2024)

A short documentary about the flora and fauna (and a scandalously little of rocks) of the southern tip of Saudi Arabia, mostly the region of Arif Mountains. 
I added the names of some species that appeared in the film.
At the end, I also added some links, for curious (yeah) people^^
Picture heavy

Black-blotched Stingray

Angelshark, Monkfish (Squatina squatina), wonderful shark, permanently angry-looking

Manta ray (shark family)

Whale shark

Silvertip shark, wonderfully graceful. More: HERE

Morning greetings


Nubian oryx


African ostrich, introduced after people killed local Arabian ostrich

Hovering griffon vultures

Nubian ibex

Bromeliads on trees

Jonghyun making a cameo

Sinai agama

Palestine Sunbird

Rueppell’s Weaver

Bee apartments

Green dumbass

Arabian leopard

Newborn sea turtle, knowing what it's doing better than I in life

Blue Spotted Ribbontail Ray (Taeniura lymma)

Male osprey being a dick father

Also, birds of Persian Gulf 
And a website with videos of most common birds sighted there, most of which are migrating.