Saturday, October 12, 2024

Saturday Poetry Corner 71: The Hollow Men

This is probably my most favorite poem of T.S. Eliot. It describes the post-war landscape of human psyche. It only proves that some anxieties are eternal, not confined to a certain and fixed event, but words that describe them, can hop to fit yet another time.

TV Series Opening 53: Silo (2023)

Picking up on the openings, as many new series I have watched have really craftily done, beautiful, and sometimes haunting openings.

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Horizon (2024)

A short documentary about the flora and fauna (and a scandalously little of rocks) of the southern tip of Saudi Arabia, mostly the region of Arif Mountains. 
I added the names of some species that appeared in the film.
At the end, I also added some links, for curious (yeah) people^^

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Saturday Poetry Corner Part 70: In The City Of Night

Tonight, a poem about the city by John Gould Fletcher.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Saturday Poetry Corner Part 69: Japanese Maple

Today, a poem thematically linked to Autumn, and yet touching some bitter truths.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Living With Leopards (2023)

This short documentary spanned 5 years of following one leopard family tree. I expected nothing informative from it, but somehow the Author/Narrator managed to include some info.
The screenshots below are mostly leopards, their eyes, grace and wonderful hunting technique.