So today's TT is to the days we all had a good night's sleep.
Which was probably in utero. I know I've done a similar Throwback a while ago. But hey, new songs!
And no, I know where Lion Sleeps Tonight.
First one, before going to sleep, one needs a lullaby. Preferably by The Cure:
Then, after you're asleep, you can be Talking In Your Sleep (if you're a Romantic):
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmGMzyajA2U&w=640&h=480]
Or just simply dreaming. It's all you have to do.
Throw away ghosts from your bedroom. We all know where this is going.
Exactly into your weirdest, sexiest dreams:
Or not, who am I to know?
Or else Dream Police might come chasing.
You can also Dream Evil. Oh wait, that's me.
We've all been there, sister.
Nothing a little Sleeping Powder can't fix:
Then you can be sleeping in random people's cars:
Something we all wish:
So when you wake up, you'll have some Dreams to Remember:
And better to keep up with your Circadian rhythm.
Or else you'll have Sleepless Night(s):