Man, even such a weak musical like Zorro was mentioned. I watched some cuts and I read reviews, very lukewarm reviews. Official website doesn't co-operate with me (~so gooodbye don't cry aaand smiiile~), I can't present the full list of winners, since there is no show to watch. I know JTBC broadcasted it, but since normal people in Europe have work at the exact time, I'm waiting for some kind soul to upload the show somewhere.
The only thing that is certain - Kim Junsu won Popular Actor Award and Oh Manseok was the host :P
My standard rant. It's been 3 years in a row Junsu is awarded with this. Fans all over the world are having orgasms, and I'm really afraid to say anything on JYJ/DBSK boards, because I KNOW how those people could react. But it's a Popularity Award. Not The Best Actor award, you know... It's the same with "normal" actor - if I don't see him/her awarded "best actor" title, I can't think that industry takes them seriously. Of course, this award is well deserved in Junsu's case. He's more known than Park Euntae or Hong Kwangho but I can do nothing more than just shrug. This award praises his popularity not talent. The talent is there but...
And another thing. I know Jo Seungwu can sing, I really do, I like him etc. But it's becomming annoying seeing him awarded every damn time. It's not like he's the best out there, really (OK, a pissed off fangirl is now speaking).
So far, those I could find:
So far, those I could find:
Ji Hyeonjun (Moby Dick)
Second Actor:
Jo Kang-hyeon (Sherlock Holmes)
Kim Hyeonsuk
Second Actress:
Kim Seon-yeong (Zorro)
Kim Junsu (Elisabeth)
Musical Director:
Kim Munjeong (Elisabeth)
Direction (연출상 노우성)?? < the best production?
Sherlock Holmes
after this site
Ji Hyeonjun (Moby Dick)
Second Actor:
Jo Kang-hyeon (Sherlock Holmes)
Kim Hyeonsuk
Second Actress:
Kim Seon-yeong (Zorro)
Kim Junsu (Elisabeth)
Musical Director:
Kim Munjeong (Elisabeth)
Direction (연출상 노우성)?? < the best production?
Sherlock Holmes
after this site
Junsu's fragment:
And the interview (Oh Manseok fangirl is happy now^^)
You may refer to this blog for now. (you know, the second page, Wookie's musical, Tempation of Wolves)
I will make another post when I get the winners.
Pictures from red carpet here.
Looks like my musical god wasn't attending.
Others mentioned:
박은태, 옥주현, 전수경, 조강현, 지현준, 오만석, 김선영, 방진의, 백주희, 김현숙, 임기홍, 배다해, 송용진, 이영미, 박건영
Park Euntae, Ok Juhyeon, Jo kanghyeon, Ji Hyeonjun, Kim Seon-yeong, Bang Jin-ui, Kim Hyeonsuk, Im Gihom, Bae Dahae, Song Yongjin, Yi Yeongmi, Park Geonhyeong.