
Saturday, April 02, 2016

Upcoming series

For few past months, I really had no time to commit to a series and I'm not confident the next months will be any different. However, since the US series adopted a new format (or at least some of them), that is shorter seasons, there is few that I'm anticipating.
And in case anyone wonders why I don't post anything on Korean series - well, I'm waiting for something to watch and not question my poor taste every goddamn 5 minutes. I really wanted to watch Descendants of the Sun, because I'm easily sold on military stuff, but not even uniforms could keep me interested. It would be so much better if they just concentrated on the army presence in this fictional country, without silly and preposterous romance shit. Or just changed the script, like 100%.
I have nothing against romance, no, but make it a part of the plot and not the whole plot itself. Kdramas lately remind me of the idea of building the city on the scorched desert. Instead of building wells and pipes first, they start to build a huge super-high-technology-smart mall with brand stores. This is their love story they organize the entire plot around. Who cares if the city they built so quickly will forever remain a barren, ghost city?

Upcoming/returning series I am waiting for are listed below. So far, I gathered only those that start in the first half of 2016.

Some series I elaborate on a bit, some will be just left with dates.

I will not lie, my THE most anticipated returning series is 12 Monkeys. I was a firm believer I would never watch this, because of the movie (who doesn't love deranged Pitt there, hm? I know I do), but one day I decided to not be such a stuck-up purist bitch and gave in. And I was completely gone. It's not a remake, it's a retelling, a different approach, a different set of variables changing the course of an action. After the first season, however, I deeply believe the "song remains the same": we will all die. But there is something morbidly fascinating in watching a doomed cause.
Comes back: April 18
Reason: cause I'm so deep into the hole.

Counting the days now...

Going onto the next one:

The next one is Fear the Walking Dead. 
Starts: April 4/10 (I read two dates, so...)
I would watch it for the awesome poster alone, but I'm interested in how this yacht can save this group of absolutely self-destructive egoists. 
Reason: I like watching people I hate dying...

The Man in the High Castle
Starts: no date yet.
Reason: political dystopia and Rufus Sewell as a sadistic Nazi officer. You're asking?

Game of Thrones
Starts: April 24
Reason: because we all know nothing now.

Starts: April 9
Reason: because I'm not a fan of 18th century, but like "what ifs".

The Last Ship
Starts: June 12
Reason: I have no idea why, the uniforms and ship, I guess?

Wayward Pines
Starts: May 25
Reason: because it's unsettling, claustrophobic and foggy.

Penny Dreadful
Starts: May 1
Reason: because it's relevant to my interest.

Another Oh Hae Young 
Starts: May 2
Reason: Eric.
I have zero clue about the plot. Who cares?

And since I'm still in a mourning period (going strong for one year already), I won't even mention The 100 confirmed 4th season renewal. Because the reasons.