
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Tanya Chua 蔡健雅

Today, only one name of a singer-songwriter from Singapore. I probably mentioned her some time ago, but in case some of you missed it, this is a recommendation post. Her voice is very mature, her interpretations rich. She can sound as if annoyed, in a perpetual state of l'ennui. Or very upbeat. She experiments with her style, incorporating many motifs and styles to her music, be it the traces of traditional sounds, hypnotic trance, jazzy sounds or melonarrative. 
You will not regret listening to this artist, trust me.

She released in 2015 her new album: 失語者, but I enjoy her other albums tremendously, like 天使與魔鬼的對話 from2013 or 說到愛 from 2011. The last one has really nice arrangements with violin sections and piano.
She has very interesting music videos, sometimes slightly disturbing, but they fit her lyrics.

And some others:



And the playlist is HERE.
