
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Tablo's Neverending Story

   Don't get me wrong, it's good they're admitting they were wrong and ruined Tablo's activities, but somehow I can't believe the sincerity of it. To get out of prison I'd say "I'm sorry too". Especially that for somewhat around 2 years they were adamant on their speculations.

Members of Tajinyo, the group that’s been making malicious claims about the validity of rapper Tablo‘s Stanford University degree, have admitted their wrongdoings.

On September 12 at Seoul’s Central District Court, Tajinyo members faced a hearing for libel and defamation of character. They stated, “We apologize to Tablo and his family. We’re also reflecting on our actions [and are sorry] for causing a social scandal. Though it’s shameless, we ask for leniency from the court.”

One member, who was put under custody after the first trial, said, “I made Tablo suffer mentally and materially. [I apologize with all my heart]. During the two months at the detention center, I regretted my past actions. I plan to delete everything I’ve posted and to withdraw from the [Tajinyo] cafe. I will not behave in a way that causes harm to others in the future.”

Another member stated, “Because high school scholarships were everything to me, I felt a sense of inferiority compared to Tablo. I will submit at the first hearing and will not interfere in Tablo’s entertainment activities.”

It’s reported that the hearing and trial process will likely conclude within a month as the appeal deadline is set for October 5.

The court commented, “It looks like the suspects will not fight, but rather admit their guilt. Many apology essays and petitions were [entered]. We’re waiting for the victim’s position on the matter and whether he’ll decide to forgive.”

Source: Allkpop

Other news about Tablo's case?

Judge Kwak Yun Kyung had sentenced the Tajinyo members at the final trial for the case held on July 6. Three were sentenced to 10 months in prison and were immediately put under court custody, while the other six were given eight to 10 months in prison with two year probations. Days after the sentencing, the three who had been given jail sentences and three of those put on probation appealed to a higher court.

The first trial of their appeal is to be held on September 12. The court and public looks forward to what information will be revealed in the trial and whether the Tajinyo members will be able to turn the case around and confirm their suspicions against Tablo.

The debate over Tablo′s academic credentials started in 2010. In August of the same year, Tablo sued the members of the Tajinyo (We Want the Truth from Tablo) internet cafe, who had led the debate, for defaming his name.

Source: YGFamilly@tumblr,