
Thursday, September 13, 2012

JYJ vs. SM Entertainment

Celestial Cat is judging yer peasant ass...
   JYJ drama-llama episode 2625. Recapitulation of the previous episode: we were left with (another) cliffhanger suggesting that on September 13th the decision regarding the feud would be reached. In today's episode, predictable and cliched to the maximum, we got to know that Grandpa Jury got dementia. Grandpa Jury forgot somehow that if two parties can't reach any agreement for the last freaking 3 years, they won't reach it in next 2 hours. Or maybe he prayed to Shisus for a miracle?
Miracle didn't happen, and Grandpa Jury needs to either start taking anti-Alzheimer meds or step down and give reins into the hands of someone with much more vital brain functions.

According to the the Seoul Central District Court, the verdict for the ongoing case between JYJ and SM Entertainment over issues related to past contracts has been postponed.
The two parties were unable to reach a mutual adjustment back in their latest court session in August, and thus a new date was set for September. However, although the verdict was to be issued by 10 AM today (13th), the court recommended that the two parties mediate and postponed the verdict once again.
JYJ’s legal representatives commented, “The court has once again recommended that we try to mediate… Although there are differences of opinions, the court believes that an agreement can be reached and strongly wishes for the issue be mutually settled.”
“We will be adjusting our schedules so that legal representatives of both sides can meet again soon and try once again to come to an agreement,” they said.
Source: Money Today via Nate
Credit: Allkpop
Shared by: JYJ3
Picture source: JYJGuardian