
Friday, September 25, 2020

Album Cover Part 2


The year is 1997.

So here we go.

Björk - Homogenic (1997). You may like or not the Icelandic artist, but one thing is sure - everything she makes is memorable. She's wearing here Alexander McQueen's project, usually referred to as Kimono.

Janet - The Velvet Rope (1997). We meet her again, but this album is really special to me. Not only it has Together Again, one of my favorite comfort songs, I also vividly remembered the cover - the color of her curls and her face partially hidden, not looking straight at the camera, but somewhat hidden. This is a heavy album, an adjective not associated by many with pop. The songs tackle such topics like domestic abuse, rape, etc.

Portishead - Portishead (1997). There is a whole story possible to tell from that cover. Is this a departure? Is the woman in the back left alone? Rejected? Or maybe she did the rejection? Add the haunting vocals like in All Mine and the claustrophobia will hit.

Jaurim - Purple Heart (1997). This is actually their debut album. I like how the fingers linger on the skin. And blue nails. And I really, really like the band. You may try Deviation, it's an unapologetic, 90's rock fun. Jaurim also made an appearance here on the blog.

Godspeed You Black Emperor! - F♯ A♯ ∞ (1997). Last but not least. I love the group and their projects, and this album delivers everything the cover promises - it's as if the end of the days recorded an album. This is the CD version as the vinyl has different one, and also the music is a bit differently presented. The mixture of sounds (yes, sounds, like a train, talk, whisper, droning, ambient noise) and music make for an amber dream that we fall deeper and deeper into. There are only three pieces here also, because GYBE! composes long suites. I think East Hastings is the most known (it lasts 17:58). This composition has already appeared on this blog, but it's worth to link it again.






