
Thursday, March 05, 2020

[First Impression] Hyena

The four episodes are done, so I am writing a short, really short first impressions post about this SBS series. First thing first, I think SBS is still on Fiery Priest success high, so it employs similar technical tricks, albeit not up to this level of pure crazy energy as FP had. 
Before I jump into some things related to the series itself, I have to say all the actors here are doing a splendid job, there is a certain level of freedom in their acting, but that's something to be expected from the people here.
Also, I have pics, and I'm not afraid to use them.

Here's the thing that keeps bothering me - the underhand tactics. OK, we had plenty of series in which the characters used shady means for their purposes, even the so called "good guys and girls". And I really don't mind a little violence or threats as the means to reach the goal but I still am able to draw a line, no matter how blurred it may seem at times. 

 Also, I don't mind, nay - I love seeing smart, confident and ruthless women/or men for that matter on the screen, but sometimes the writers just can't seem to find the right amount of sass to add to the character and the character is quickly turning into the caricature. I hope it is not the case here, because so far I really like the story and want to continue, but being sassy for sassy sake quickly turns into a bore. Also, there is a fine line between being sassy and being rude.

 We were all baited with the trailer that hinted at the pure sexual tension between the two protagonists and they reversed it - it's not like they want to have sex (well, that too, I bet), but they had the relationship at the beginning and the result of it is not what was promised to be. Here comes the first thing that's bothering me - Jeong Geumja (the name, really^^) played a really long con on Yun Heejae to get close to him and in result - to obtain information on the trial in which she represent the other side. And she obtained the confidential files illegally from Heejae's files.

I am really not that mad she played him, even though she clearly saw he really fell for her, I'm not even mad she said that it was all an act and she was never sincere when she was with him; fine - maybe she wasn't and she had the right to say it. But she simply stole the files, knowing exactly who he was.

I know we will get more background on the characters as the series progresses, so we will learn why Heejae was so gullible when they met. Because it broke my brain when I tried to think about this - he is a smart, logical man, and yet fell for her just without any brakes. Or maybe that's exactly the answer to the question? Maybe because it was really the first time he allowed himself to feel something? Geumja's behavior is also sometimes mutually exclusive - she spouts all those clichés about growing up through pain and getting higher in the ladder and yet sometimes a softer and clearly traumatized side of her peeks through the cracks in her tank armor.

The way she reacted when she was attacked may seem like she was a victim in the past, that's why she doesn't want to feel like a victim ever again. That's why I couldn't understand the reason behind her decision to convince Seo Jeonghwa to appear alongside Ha Chanho at the birthday party as if nothing happened. Chanho abused his girlfriend, locked her up and exposed to his own erratic behavior when he was drunk or high. Heejae promised the girl Chanho would end up in prison, Geumja sowed fear in her that he'd be out of prison after some time and would seek vengeance. 
But that's a lot of "maybes". Maybe Chanho would die in prison? Who knows?

Granted, none of them really cared about either Seonhwa or Chanho (although Heejae expressed his disdain for the man) but used them in a bigger plot, but still, this forcing an abuse victim to pretend everything was fine for the sake of few moments was not OK for me. 
For others that may seem like Geumja's better strategic planning and her sassy character. She's bulldozing everyone and everything towards her one goal - to be on top. And to get rich.

 She's often shown staring at the skyscraper where the law offices are, question is - does she dream to work there or she dreams of getting there to destroy?

The latest, fourth episode showed us also two sides of our main characters - during the case of a violinist trapped in a personal hell made of the contract. Worse - the CEO of the management company was his own mother. Geumja decided to help him get free from the contract and she planned on a total war, destroying everything. Heejae managed to convince his mother to let her son go from her tight and painful clutches and guaranteed him his personal freedom, which was under lock and key because he was gay.

Geumja fiercely rejected such decision, and made clear that she didn't care if the trial took years, if the guy could even play violin and continue with his career, she didn't care if this would alienate him from everyone and ruin him - she wanted a complete and utter victory crushing his mother. 
And while I can understand that, sometimes "all or nothing" attitude is as toxic as the abusive control a person wants to eradicate. 

I think I talked about the issues that were bothering me the most and it's not like I'm hating on a strong female lead. Strong doesn't equal rude and manipulative. Geumja is not above bribing the witness, or threatening them. She does have some compassion but it's hidden in a mechanism of self-defence and deflection. She had to fight teeth and nails to be where she is and I understand why she is the way she is. Heejae's father is a judge, so he never experienced the hardships Geumja had in her life, probably. But having father as the judge poses other problems as well, even if they're not of the financial nature.

Having said that, I will be continuing, because I really like Ju Jihun.
And that's all.

P.S. still no actual hyenas in the series. And since hyenas tend to hunt or scavenge in packs, I hope Geumja and Heejae will join forces to rip the world apart.