
Thursday, June 15, 2017

Unwatchable - a short movie about rape as a warfare

I was on my "war movies" path to continue watching many of such on my list, but lately, and unexpectedly, I have seen probably one of the most horrific depictions of war.
The movie is called Unwatchable and it's about the conflict in Congo. And the very specific method of the warfare - which is rape.
This is a short video, around 22 minutes in total and consists of 3 parts: first one (the main movie is around 6 mins. long) introduces a white family in rural England destroyed by a group of soldiers, and the fragment asks: what if this would be happening here? Here being in the rich, sophisticated West. And then we have the narration of Masika Katsuva, a survivor of something unimaginable.
Warning: the movie is cruel and not for people of weak nerves.

It can be watched whole on youtube.
Here it is: