
Thursday, September 29, 2016

New Releases from Taiwan Featuring Roy Qiu

Well, lately I've been listening to the music almost exclusively on spotify, coming for MVs only to write a post. This time I went to YT directly and look what hit me first.
The music of course...

This song is, well... It has Roy, so...

鄭秀文 Sammi Cheng - 我就是愛你不害怕

小男孩樂團 Men Envy Children - It’s Up To You. I posted about this whacky group a while ago and we got another fun song.

新寶島康樂隊 feat. 趙詠華 New Formosa Band & Cyndi Chao - OKINAWA Blues

韋禮安 Weibird Wei (William Wei) - 如果再見 If We Meet Again. I don't need to introduce this one, right?

【無痛的痛苦】蕭敬騰主唱 - 封神傳奇》主題曲 Oh please, a Taiwanese music without Jam Hsiao is invalid. It's a theme song to League of Gods.

陳大天 Daniel Chen – 【 一句話惹毛女朋友】 A Sentence to Piss Off Your Girl Friend . I like his voice so I will have an eye on him from now on.

周杰倫 Jay Chou (feat. 林書豪Jeremy Lin)- 土耳其冰淇淋 Tu Er Qi Ice Cream. I chose this song among other releases from his new album because it plays on stereotypes. The MV is all sorts of crazily fun! Words can't express how much I love the witty lyrics, swift music and of course the bowtie! All hail the king!

There are also new songs by Grasshopper, Mayday, Zhoumi, Yoga Lin, Bii (title: Love Magic), Fire EX, Vaness,
