
Sunday, June 23, 2013

I Iz In Your Head Hearing You Gutter

   The thought of someone hearing my thoughts gives me the creeps. Not because it's the ultimate violation of privacy, but because of the very nature of thoughts. We tend to filter them (unless your name starts with Jong and ends with hyeon) so that we can at least pretend to be normal, coherent and we can uphold the image of ourselves that we want to project onto people around.

   Brains of Kwriters are like bears, me seems. They are in some dreamless slumber throughout the whole winter just to wake up at Spring and start producing gorramn captivating shows. When we do have time, because of Autumn and Winter dreadful nights, we don't get any shows that would keep us bitting our nails (or table ridges), but when Spring/Summer arrives and people are more inclined to, dunno, going outside - a frakkin' deluge of it! 
I Hear Your Voice, cryptically shortened to #IHYV on twitter was not on my list of 10 shows I was actually watching, but then someone twitted about nuna-dongsaeng relationship and I jumped into the bandwagon faster than anyone can say "nuna-dongsaeng". There is a lot of things people may have against SBS, but since few years this station has been giving us good dramas. I meen good, captivating, carefully written stories. And thankfully, the most boring show of past season that is Last Boringella Cinderella ended so no need to trash my memory with it anymore.

   The premonition is as follows, some guy beats to death a man with a metal club. When he's about to finish his little son, a cheerful "smile, you're in the hidden camera" sound breaks the impending horror. A girl took a picture of what was going on, and naturally, the killer wanted to get rid of her (and her trecherous friend) but was interrupted. The girl was brave enough and decided on throwing her life away when she appeared in Court to testify as the witness. Thanks to her testimony and a picture, the guy was sentenced to prison. He left it 10 years later with burning desire for a revenge. Kids grew up, our brave lady is now opportunistic lazyass who gives a sh*t about truth and co. Suha finally found her and kind of creepily started to protect her. 
   Ever since the incident, he can hear people's thoughts. Personally for me the scenes from his childhood are hard to take. The little kid heard the thoughts of his Uncle who took him, thinking of him as a parasite only, wanting the kid to disappear and even leaving him once all alone. Hearing what one thinks is not a blessing sometimes but rather a curse. He said he needs to make an eye contact with a person to be able to hear the thoughts, but there were few instances he didn't have to do it to hear. Not sure if the writer slipped or it's a part of the plan I need to ruminate over it.

    Jeong Ung In as the killer Min Junguk does an awesome job as the double faced, scheming, methodological creepy killer on the loose. Kim Haesuk as Hyeseok's Mother is far above any praise, this lady rocks her roles whatever they are. Yoon Jusang as the veteran lawyer Shin is also solid, making his character bielievable and strong. Kim Gwanggyu as the judge is another story, this actor can play totally loveable characters or the most repulsive ones (I HATED him in Freeze with all my might). Main leads (my dongsaeng-inclined heart refuses to see YSH as the male lead, ekhem) are comfortable together and have nice interactions to look at, and I don't cringe at cutie's acting, cause he can pull off that threatening look that makes him closer to the killer he hates. Also the poster is a little bit different from most of kdrama posters now, so yeah, I even like the poster, y'all! (but the proximity of those two on it bothers me)

   However, after all 6 episodes, I'm starting to suspect the show is not entirely about Suha's ability to hear the thoughts. It's also about hearing the "voice of the voiceless", and setting the action in court and under the law fits the concept perfectly. From the very first episode we were given the numerous occasions of people telling the truth and others not believing them. It's no different from "not hearing". So public defenders are those who are supposed to hear the voice no one else wants to hear and make it audible for others. And drama shows it is a hard task, because, as Bob Dylan once wrote:

And what did you hear, my blue-eyed son?
And what did you hear, my darling young one?
I heard the sound of a thunder that roared out a warnin'
I heard the roar of a wave that could drown the whole world
I heard one hundred drummers whose hands were a-blazin'
I heard ten thousand whisperin' and nobody listenin'
I heard one person starve, I heard many people laughin'
Heard the song of a poet who died in the gutter
Heard the sound of a clown who cried in the alley
And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard
And it's a hard rain's a-gonna fall.

"Hear" and "listen"are two different words.
Also, it includes the voice of our own, our own voice telling us what to do, what we should do and be.
I'm also fearing the worst possibility I expressed in a frustrated tweet - that uri obssessively protective dongsaeng has brain tumor allowing him to hear those thoughts. This prop was used few times, but I really, really hope we won't get this case here. 
So far: