
Sunday, March 17, 2013


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   I don't mind idols casting in dramas, this way we can check if they can act (Eunji) or not (Yunho). But, dear PDs in the Land of Morning Cray, you DO have amazing actors yet you don't use them and if you do - in some crappy productions that even Yunho would do (I guess that will be added to my repertoire of insults from now on. Come and get me!).
But I'm filling a complaint to UN, Interpol, UNICEF and every other organization that deals with abusing human rights for not casting Choi Daehun in any drama/movie.

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   What this man did in Gaksital was amazing. His screen presence in the entire series accounted maybe for 20 minutes, but those were the best 20 minutes of it. Who da hell is Joo Won, anyway? /jokes aside.

I looked around as every normal fan and I found out pretty much nothing exceptional, except for some cameos in Big Wreck with Gong Yu, Mr. Choi wasn't in any drama recently. I know, he's a stage actor which is visible in his technique, that's true, but... I'm still pressed.

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For those interested (I can't be the only one):

I Don't Know You (2012) 모르는 사람
~ short movie, 9 minutes.
No Charge Airline Ticket (2000) 무료항공권
~ that's a short movie, 15 minutes, so... But I'm on the hunt already.
In The Jungle (2000) 자반 고등어
~another short movie, 20 minutes.

Big (2012)
~ damn cameo
Gaksital (2012)
~ Minami Tamao
KBS Drama Special: 서경시 체육회 구조조정 비하인드 스토리 (2011)
~damn cameo
KBS Drama Special - Strawberry Ice Cream (2011) 딸기 아이스크림
~ cameo
KBS Drama Special - 영덕 우먼스 씨름단 (2011)
~ cameo
Hanbando (2011)
~ I probably left before, have to rewatch, damn. Role of Chae Donghun (채동훈)
KBS Drama Special - When Opera Ends (2010) 오페라가 끝나면
~ cameo
KBS Drama Love Love (2010)
~ role of Chul-yeon
KBS Drama Special - The Drama (2010) 위대한 계춘빈
~ cameo
Evasive Inquiry Agency (2007) 얼렁뚱땅 흥신소
~ Ashiks/Adidas, (caw caw caw) yes, he was wearing that red one.

I managed to get info about stage play "Wedding Scandal" that was staged in 2012. It run from March to July with our gentleman, and later without him from July 2012 until February this year, tickets were cheap, so I'm going to kill myself for living in the wrong place.
Another stage play: 극적인하룻밤 eh...

Pictures from various sources. Some are here. And here. But the treasure is HERE.

Can't dig any info on current whereabouts, probably some stage, but...

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