
Friday, November 02, 2012

K-entertainment Part 1

   This is something I have been planning to do for some time. A weekend round-up of whatever weird, shocking or funny happened in K-industry. I don't plan to write it with something up my nice we-know-what, but in a fluffy way. I'm not a Debbie Downer, I'm not going to dissect everything with pessimistic suction.
Anyway, first post is having Heechul as the anchor pic because he's not here *a moment of silence to commemorate million ELFs hearts that just crumbled* and because he's Heechul, love him or hate him, but he's "unique".

So, what happened this past week?

1. Groundbreaking news number one - The Diva (still under male name Jang Geunsucks) did some promo of a video game in China. Game, as I researched, is "a dancing game", so he roleplayed himself/herself at the showcase. Well, that's dangerously close to masturbation.
(link courtesy of Diva's most ardent fangirl: Orion^^)

2. The first news should actually end the rest, but I'm obliged to deliver other, less relevant news. Everyone loves Kinky Jinki, we know that, the humble girl writing this as well, so for all pleased with sweet and tender leader of SHINee (and also for petto and Chunface) this video, which is one of them ridiculous names and polls I'm so fond of.

3. SuJu's leader Eeteuk (otherwise known in his own anti-fandom as Eewteuk) has gone to the army (and active duty, to add!), creating as much halo around as possible (October 29th and will be back in July 2014, I guess, don't remember). SuJu keeps losing members, no actual news in that department, niafniafniaf...
SJ-M was rumored to make a comeback but SM gone deaf and mute on that so... Plus KRY is scheduled to have a concert in Japan next January. An album and my wallet is ready.

4. Uri duckbutt a.k.a. Kim Junsu won Actor Award at 18th Korea Musical Awards. Yeey!! I'm really happy for him and wish him all the luck he can get butt... actually bringing this up just for one purpose, so I could use this gif.

5.  Interview with His Highness Godsent Kim Namgil was broadcasted. We should rejoice and bow down. And stay there. No pictures because my internetz just crashed out of the Awesomeness transcendental and I'm afraid it may happen again.

6. Some Ajusshi from Nowhere, known also as Aili's Won Bin did a photoshoot. Yes, we may all sigh now.

7. Lee Seunggi a.k.a. The Carp will cooperate with Epitone Project. Well, there it goes my waiting for Epitone new album, fine.

8. Celestial Cat, known under mundane name Kim Jaejung kissed a girl. And he liked it.