
Tuesday, November 06, 2012

I Need Coffee (Prince) 2.5

   Note to self - never make any plans that reach beyond 6 hours. On top of that I run out of coffee and if anyone needs to know something about me is the fact I drink enormous amounts of coffee without any apparent effect. Yet I'm drinking it because I like the smell and taste. Plus, when drinking at a cafe, barista can make those state-of-art pictures on foam, and you just sit there smiling at a cup like a brain-devoided idiot thinking how NOT to ruin this.
Since my day was ruined from the start and I didn't plan it, there came rain and steel-grey clouds that made this kitty very, very sleepy.
Confined to my chair that screeches worse than Alien Momma, I report on whatever goes around Kdramaland.

1.   Kim Jihoon joined the cast of tvN's third "flower" installment - Flower Boy Neighbour and he'll play the second lead to Yoon Shiyoon, and the main lady will be Jang Geunsuc... no wait, Park Shinhye. Lady, OK. Not very fond of main leads at all but I may try this only for Kim's sake, because remembering Joseon X Files is just too strong. 

2.   Tomorrow Miss You starts and just to say this beforehand - I don't expect Barking... eerhm... Baking King's ratings because of few reasons. Nice Guy who is not that nice to the competition is still airing, and then soon Jeon Woochi starts with Cha Tehyeon and I just can guess how popular this drama will be (or not, Minhot is also skyhigh popular and ratings for Faith were moderate). It would be unwise to blame all on the competition though, as most of the writers and PDs lately are hit with a mysterious illness that shows first symptoms around the middle of a drama. First they lose pace, then logic and then they just end with some messy, quivering mass of dialogues and shots. As long as the story is coherent even on the basic level and I don't want to bang my head up the closest wall - I'm fine. *reads again: Park Yucheon, tragedy, melo and Yeo Jingu, forgets about plot, logic, anything... happy fangirl mode*!!

3.   I like Kang Jihwan, most people do, but I advise everyone - do NOT watch Runway Cop. This movie has no plot, not even a kindergarten level one. There are some people, they talk about things, trying to show emotions ( I guess), a big drama inside the world of models who are - in fact - the same people as any of us. Screamed bullshit so loud I didn't hear the soundtrack from behind it. Movie has one purpose - to show Jihwan's fabulous butt and his transformation from disgusting fat cop to toned yummy cop. With funky haircut too. This might be one of the worst movies ever, right behind 100 days with Mr. Arrogant and Giant Shark and Mega Octopus.

4.   If the rumors are true this time, looks like Shin Ha-gyun will appear in a drama along with Im Sujeong (for whom it's the comeback since I'm Sorry I Don't Have Enough Tissues I Love You. Anything that doesn't involve surgeons and their tools of massive slaughter is inside my circle of interest, so yes, please, I want.

5.   I wasn't previously interested in Jackal is Coming, but after teaser and some posters, I started to rethink my approach and I may now announce that yes, yes I wait for Celestial Cat's new movie. For having fun if not visuals, ekhem...

That's it, now, let me excuse myself to go make some more coffee and eventually go crazy like teh kitteh above.