
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Cause you gotta have "Faith"


   George Michael sang this in 1987, long before it was cool to accuse this-and-this drama of stealing ideas. I could stay still, but since my bitchy nature is more prevalent - I'm writing.
Some birdbrained fans are writing their discontent that this is another drama with time travel motif. Uh-oh, a big trouble, right? It eludes them that internet is not only for writing senseless things, but also a source of information. Are they in kdrama fandom for 2 months? Even if, ignorance cannot and will not be accepted (at least for me). I remember when I was a newbie in this world. Instead of pestering everyone around and writing idiotic comments, I looked around, was patient and didn't mind reading articles.

   But kdrama fandom was different then. And I was in my late twenties when I joined, not in my early teens, like most of the fans nowadays, for whom even email is too much text at once. Do I despise such people? Yes, and I'm not pretending I'm not. Also, we waited for subs for some time, we knew how to look for them, all extras from dramas were shared freely and treated as something precious and nice. Now? One teen girl cuts one scene, puts her watermark all over the video claiming her "rights" to it: do not upload, do not share, do not watch with friends. Bitch, you made the drama? Unless you were personally involved in making the damn drama, don't claim the video as your own.

   Anyway, moving back to our Faith. The drama is finally closing. I wrote "finally", because the sad fate of this particular drama is an example of choosing the easy road by most of korean PDs. For the first time, this drama emerged in 2010 (yes, 2 years ago) and then rumors had it Lee Junki was casted as the main lead, but he went to the army (and I'm grateful, cause I can't stand the guy, sorry Alexe^^'). Then Kang Jihwan was casted and we even saw some pics from the set. Then all rumors ceased. Then early this year, Lee Minho was casted and drama moved to its final stage.
And since it's Minho, we may suspect drama will receive huge popularity. On the side note - he really chooses his projects carefully, with nonchalant disregard for maintaining his popularity, one drama a year, some CFs and that's all. He doesn't need to be prancing around in skirt and manbra pretending to be a Pet just to milk all fangirls in Japan (and Thailand, ekhem). Instead, he chooses some project of value. I dropped City Hunter, that's true, but I can't deny that this was a quality drama.

   So yes, this drama's outline and idea came to life when no one heard about moron Lee Gak sitting over the Lotus Pond, the muscly Doctor trapped in Joseon, or the starlet playing Queen Inhyeon. If we followed the logic it would be more appropriate to say that those dramas copied the idea from their ill-fated companion. The teaser shows amazing amount of work put into it.
As for actors, I don't complain much, it will be a challenge for Minho so let's see how he will act in a hybrid sageuk (but a sageuk nonetheless), plus there is Ryu Deokhwan as King Gongmin, so I'm sure about this character. Stupid kyaagirls are writing that they don't like the main actress, Kim Heeseon, and they'd prefer some younger and cute actress. O--key. How many "young and cute" girls can actually act? Should they throw another idol-wannabe-actress who can't move a muscle in fear her BB Cream will flake? And Ham Eunjung is booked for Five Fingers, so not many left, mehehe.

One more thing irks me. People are describing the events or people as those from "ancient times". It's around the year 1370 for Mongols' sake! It's not ancient. Ancient is Kim Suro, but not the collapse of historically well established Goryeo. Choi Young, played by Minho here, was a real historical figure. Both he and Yi Seonggye (founder of Joseon dynasty) were dispatched by King Gongmin to fight Japanese pirates and to strangle the rebellions.

Last but not least - I demand good music!!

Teaser thanks to Issy and Hancinema, picture thanks to SBS website.
Pictures from the set are here, here and here. Buildings only.