
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Kim Soo-hyun’s win is hotly debated

   I don't feel as such a b*tch for complaining and whining about this boy's winning now. The fact he didn't deserve it is not only my and few friends of mine bitter remark, but it looks like others are not the happiest with that too.
First, I dropped Moon That Embarrasses the Sun when kid actors left. If they wanted to give an award to anyone out of MoonSun, they should have given it to Yeo Jingu (but I'm jailbait-y biased). The story was lackluster and it was drifting in a really boring direction, but Korean audience loved it. And whatever Korean audience (40+ ajummas) loves - it wins. 

   I wasn't excited about the series, because I already loved Seonggyungwan Scandal (the same author of the book) so my expectations were really high. The first episodes with kids were really good. I spazzed few times already over kid actors in Korea, but the three of them here - Yeo Jingu, Lee Minho I and  Kim Yujeong - were simply brilliant. Adult characters were plain and boring. And less talented, to be more precise.

   Actor of the moment Kim Soo-hyun was named Best Actor of the Year on Thursday at the Paeksang Arts Awards, which took place at Olympic Hall in Jamsil, eastern Seoul.
   But Kim wasn’t all smiles after his win, which recognized his performance in the hit drama “The Moon Embracing the Sun.”
“I’m so grateful for the award, but on the other hand, it feels like I’ve just been given a hefty amount of homework,” he said. “I’ll keep trying to become a better actor in order to remain worthy of this award.”
   Kim has only been active in the industry for five years, and contestants who lost to him include some of the most esteemed actors in Korea. Park Si-hoo from “Princess’s Man,” Shin Ha-gyun from “Brain” and Cha Seung-won from “The Greatest Love” were among the nominees. The fact that these actors lost to the 24-year-old newbie was a topic of much debate among entertainment industry insiders. Kim has skyrocketed to fame since his appearance in the hit drama, with companies here and abroad vying for his endorsement.

    I have to disagree with the last paragraph's one statement. It does not matter how long one is in the industry - The Diva is supposedly 20 years, but since 2009 all he's in is a crap, and his talent vanished with hairspray.
I wouldn't mind if someone was one year in the industry but showed unparallel talent. This kid didn't show this. Two facial expressions doesn't make you an actor. I was glad they got rid of him so early in Giant, kkk.
But this "actor of the moment" is a perfect description.

   And if anyone thinks I'm being too harsh on the kid - if Yucheon had won "The Best Actor" back in 2010 for SKKS, I would be disappointed too, really. Instead he was given Newcomer Award, and all fell into places.

   There is also Korean version of this article (not the same actually), where Yeo Jingu is mentioned as a surprising guest appearance.
What happened to this esteemed Awards? If it was the popularity contest - I'd understand, but they had separated category for that, and Diva won in movie one (My Fag Pet should be shown in Guantanamo as a part of the tortures, I bet after 30 minutes ALL prisoners would spill out the beans, real or not, just to get rid of this image) and Chunnie in drama one (granted, this wasn't his best drama, but still).
Park Shihu, as much as I support his transition to a real actor, is also not any esteemed actor, but he's becoming one on his own rights. So KSH beating Shin Hagyun deserves all the ire it can get. Period. When I support - I do it with the passion. When I dislike - also.

'백상 최우수상' 김수현 "상 크기에 비해 내가 부족하다"

배우 김수현이 '백상 최우수상' 수상 이후 심경을 전했다.

27일 오후 서울 강남 삼성전자 서초사옥 다목적홀에서는 삼성전자 노트북 브랜드의 모델인 배우 김수현의 프리미엄 팬미팅이 열렸다.
이날 김수현이 등장하자마자 바로 전날 열렸던 백상예술대상 최우수 연기상에 대한 축하인사가 전해졌다. 행사의 진행을 맡았던 컬투는 축하인사와 함께 소감을 물었다.
김수현은 "어제 수상 소감에서 진심으로 감사하기도 하고 조금 부끄럽기도 하다고 말이 나왔다. 상의 크기에 비해서 제가 부족한 부분이 너무 많아서..."라고 말끝을 흐렸다.

행사장 객석을 채운 관객들은 김수현에게 응원의 목소리를 보냈고 김수현은 쑥스러운 미소를 지으며 "받아서 정말 좋았습니다. 제 꿈이 연기자라서 신뢰받을 수 있는 연기자가 되고 싶습니다"라고 겸손하게 전했다.
한편 이날 행사장에는 개그듀오 컬투의 정찬우, 김태균이 오프닝 공연을 맡았으며, '해를 품은 달'에서 김수현이 맡은 성인 이훤 역의 아역을 맡았던 배우 여진구가 특별 게스트로 깜짝 등장했다.
김수현은 MBC 드라마 '해를 품은 달'을 통해 단숨에 스타덤에 오른 배우로, 지난 26일 열린 제 48회 백상예술대상에서 TV부문 남자 최우수 연기상을 수상하기도 했다.
End of the rant.