
Monday, April 23, 2012

Baeksang Popularity Awards

It has been decided, as the voting was counted from netizens' side.
I barely make any sense, sorry.

And it's not because of some extatic material that is below, no, but because of overreading lately.
And forgive me, I'm lazy, I don't want to translate all names on those lists, especially that I cut them.
Full list to check here. You can check also Women category (I didn't bother since Diva was nominated in mixed...ooops, no, still male category)

Male Popularity - Movies:

The Diva's first, but... but Shin Hakyun second! O, Tempora! O, Mores!!
Next is Gong Yu, Ha Jeong-wu is 7th.

Male Popularity - Drama:

First is our own bag of sunshine, otherwise known as Park Yucheon, second is Kim Jaejung, Park Shihu is 5th, Yeo Jingu (jailbait alert!) is 6th, Shin Hakyun - 13th, Kim Raewon - 15th.

See ya!

See you soon^^