
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I Believed I Was an Angel

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   Here's the thing, the beginning of this translated interview starts exactly like the rest, so I spared you talk about café in Samcheong-dong, flower boy past blah blah.
They did write “he carried the manly aura” around, though.

(irrelevant part omitted)
“I really believed I could fly”

For over 5 months since last summer until the last day of January, Kim Beom lived as the character “Yi Guksu”. What’s more strange, he was the guardian angel of Yang Kangchil who spent 16 years in prison falsely accused. Not only guardian angel, but a real ‘angel’.

“When I saw the script for the first time, it was very obscure. There was no similar character so I had no references for that. I felt uneasy how and from where I should get performance as an actor. Because it was a ‘fantasy’ not reality, despite I acted earnestly every time, it caused laughter around, so the only way I could do it, was to believe in myself no matter what. Fantasy needed reality too.”

Fantasy and reality. Both those terms can co-exist?

“I had real wings so I firmly believed I could do it. Like when I was hanging from the wires while having them.”

He received praise for maturing with his latest drama. (Showed) the virtue of an angel protecting his loved ones, and evil of a human being when exploding after failure. His portrayal of a bipolar person gained favorable reviews. However, concerning the ratings, it’s less than satisfactory.

“I had times of insecurity and anxiety regarding latest drama. Drama is susceptible to reactions, and I realized I was exactly the same. However, while on the film plan, all worries disappeared. I had firm belief in our work and lot of attachment to my character. In the end, I think I don’t have any regrets.”

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His 11 kg weight loss also became a topic for discussion. One of the reasons was to shed off ‘pretty boy’ image.

“Me from my previous works and me now are different persons. The acting it’s not for a transformation. It’s not only that I want to discard completely the previous image, it’s also my duty and goal to show a different character with each new work.”

There is no way to avoid being tagged as ‘pretty’.  Latest drama, however, is a work that allowed to mature former Boys Over Flowers actor.

“If the work is good, I see no reason to avoid showing ‘prettiness’. I mean, there is also something to learn while playing soft characters like that, so if I feel like it, I won’t hesitate. I have no other calculations towards acting.”

“It’s still a long way, but I’ll go quietly”

Kim compared acting to marathon. Although not knowing how much remained of his goal line, to what end it goes, he’ll still go there silently.

Kim compared acting to marathon. Although not knowing how much remained of his goal line, to what end it goes, he’ll still go there silently.

“Now I came to the moment I can’t see the starting point, and there is much left to the arrival point, so I’ll just keep going. I have to adjust the pace, I may sometimes fall, but will walk silently.”

©Translation – Ethlenn 

Original interview

종편 - the last, final, end of a show. But it was with 드라마 so I had no idea. I translated it as "latest work", but not sure.