
Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Celestial Cat rules the world

   At least he rules the K-entertainment world. Lately Jaejung tweeted he's sorry for something. Turned out... OK, better sit, cause this is good. Celestial Cat is sorry for CGV theater cancelling the movie about JYJ. Sky is blue, grass is green, JYJ get crap everyday.
Why the hell he had to apologize for some company that cancelled in a really fishy way their agreement? But well, this is Jae. He just acts this way.

JYJ’s Kim Jae Joong recently expressed his feelings about having to cancel the release of their documentary The Day.
On January 31, Kim tweeted, “I will raise my head and run harder as much as I’m sorry.”
Kim tweeted the comment after he was told that CGV will not release the documentary movie, The Day, featuring JYJ’s everyday life.
A spokesperson for JYJ said, “We haven’t talked about this but CGV just told us that they can’t release the movie. We will file a complaint against them to the Fair Trade Commission and to the Grievance committee.” A spokesperson for CGV, however, said, “We never decided to screen the movie. There was a problem while discussing the contract.”
People responded: “You don’t have to feel bad…” “I’m proud of you JYJ! Cheer up!” “You are not the one who should feel bad.”
JYJ’s agency is currently looking for other theaters to screen the movie other than CGV.
source: TV Report
credit: en.korea

We never decided to screen the movie. There was a problem while discussing the contract.”
Hmm, as far as I'm concerned and read all the news, they SIGNED the contract on Jan. 20, but the very same day sent it back saying it's not valid.
If  any of you understand anything from this situation, please, enlighten me.