
Tuesday, January 03, 2012

A Solar Beginning

   Looks like 2012 will be as prolific with fanwars, flames and pointless discussions as 2011 was. All the best for me and those who can stand on the side, watch and laugh.
3 days into new year and we have a new, splendid display of stupidity.


Before making their official debut, the rookie group, Chaos has attracted attention from the public because it has a member whom owns the same name with Big Bang member, Taeyang.
The new 5-member rookie group, Chaos has a member called Park Taeyang since his name is the same as one of the Big Bang members, the fans of Big Bang have been concerned about it. They said that it is not appropriate for him to use the same name as Taeyang to carry out the activities in the showbiz. 
However, 'Park Taeyang' is his real name. The agency of Chaos said,' we have discussed this issue with the parents of Park Taeyang but they want their son to carry out his showbiz activities proudly under his own name. We don't think his career will be hindered, just like the football player Park Ji Sung's career is not constrained because his name is the same as the actor, Ji Sung neither. ' 
Chaos will make their debut on 6th with the release of 2 songs through their website. 
Source: hankooki
Translated by: Rice @bigbangupdates
 Most of Korean cray cray fangirls are already in flames, being unable to read that "Park Taeyang" is this poor boy's real name. And BB's Taeyang is just his stage name. So this nugu has to change his REAL name because it's the same as someone's STAGE name?
K-entertainment has few Junsus, few Kibums, two Jonghyeons, two Heechuls and somehow world hasn't collapsed yet. Outside Korea, fans are calm and laugh it out loud, but the Land of Morning Calm has, as we know, quite different breed of fangirls.

Fangirls' comments:
"yeah! i think so too. this guy did that to catch the attention of fan and us"
"only one TAEYANG in this world .He is BIGBANG TAEYANG! burn your head COPYCAT!"
i bet this is definitely 100 % MUSIC MARKETING STRATEGY... <<< "

Read more: more
 Why "solar beginning"? Taeyang means "sun".