
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Kim Beom interview part 2

The second part of the interview is served.

Dare: 2012-01-20

“The angry hyeong Jeong U-seong is now warm”

“Nighttime hardship? Not able to utter a word in front of Jeong U-seong superior presence.” 

Kim Beom, who – through his new JTBC drama Padam Padam – is showing totally different image, displayed happiness appearing with staff and fellow actors.
He didn’t hide his admiration especially towards screenwriter (No Hee Kyeong), saying in the same time “How can I do what was thought of?” (me: I know it’s awkward, he meant that he ponders on the best way how to act what lady writer had in mind)

“I’m very happy I decided on this channel because I met many fabulous people. It’s true I gave it a lot of thoughts because it’s the very first, inauguration drama of the channel. However, now my mind is occupied solely with Padam Padam.  Especially when I received the script from the writer No Hee Kyeong*, the sheer thought of acting made me happy. Sometimes, while receiving the script I wonder how I am supposed to act this. The text itself is so gripping that it clenches my pounding heart.” 

The meeting with seonbae became also the opportunity to mature even more. Jeong U-seong, who plays main character of Padam Padam, Yang Kangchil, has taught him a lot.
“At first I was scared, confronted with his superiority. He was respected seonbae, so we hadn’t the chance to meet. To tell the truth, I was scared. But when I got the chance to meet, all changed. Apart from him being an actor, there are many things to learn from him as a person. And it’s not easy for a person to help another fellow actor in hard times. This is why I watch his style when I’m not shooting and by watching alone I’m learning so much.”

The other day temperature dropped below –10, and he had to wake up around 5 am, having shooting without any break until the night. When asked if that wasn’t hard, an unexpected smile just flickered.
“I just got to know that (Jeong) hyeong had not a day of break for the last 30 days. Yet, he doesn’t seem to show this. How could I even say anything about hard times?”

Ever since his debut in 2006 until 2009 he worked without a moment of rest. After a year of tranquility, there is a lot of objectives not only for him as an actor, but also as a human being. His long time plan is to become the ‘authentic actor’, taking the variegated roles and not limited to only his image.
“Ever since my debut, I worked ceaselessly for 3 years. I didn’t have even a month of rest after that. However, before Padam Padam, I had a year break, so I had the time to think a lot. I met with many different people outside my work field, I thought a lot too. As I poured many things into next project, I wanted some change. In effect, there is ‘Guksu’. Becoming an honest actor is my goal.”

Kim Beom before and after Padam Padam is not only a different person, but also a totally different actor. He himself holds lot of expectations regarding his future.
“If I had to project my future as an actor, I’d like to be able to work with the same enthusiasm as up to this moment. But then, I’ll be different, grown up man. How will this Kim Beom after Padam Padam be able to do in the future, I have little confidence. Maybe the next work will allow me to show even more of me.”

Although he spends most of the time sleeping in a moving car, he managed to do the entire interview with bright attitude and earnestness, despite being visibly tired. The next scene he shot without any NG, and even though he got cleared out when his scene ended, he stayed to discuss with Director and staff his own acting.

Kim Beom has become not a ‘star’ but a genuine actor, and true man.
The future of such person is even more anticipated.

©Translation – Ethlenn

Translator’s notes:
*He actually used 작가 (jakga – writer/author) with honorific ending (nim). English doesn’t convey the respect in some sentences.