
Thursday, January 05, 2012

‘Best Idol Star’ award to JYJ

   AKP reports that: "From December 8th to the 28th, KBS held a ‘2011 Best Icon Award‘ poll on their website and JYJ secured the #1 spot for ‘Best Idol Star’.
JYJ with 58,357 votes beat out Lee Seung Gi who had 53,560 votes to come out on top. JYJ who released their first special full-length Korean album ‘In Heaven‘ this year have proven that they are capable and talented musicians.
Behind JYJ were not only Lee Seung Gi, but also Park Si Hoo, Kim Hyun Joong, Girls’ Generation, and more.
Netizens favorite corner on ‘Gag Concert‘ proved to be ‘The Loving Man Who Makes Ambiguous Decisions’ which came in at #1, and actor Shin Ha Kyun of KBS 2TV‘s ‘Brain‘ seized the #1 spot for ‘Best Cast Role’."

And now, ladies and gentlemen,  "A staff member from KBS uploaded a picture and tweeted, “Due to schedule ~ We went to find JYJ who was filming in Kangnam, and delivered the Best Icon Award. The three young men who are still spirited, lively, and cheerful as before. We even brought restorative herbal medicine so that they’ll eat and hang in there..”
In the picture uploaded, the JYJ members are seen holding their award and herbal medicine with pleased expressions on their faces


Allow me to puke first.

   Short recapitulation - KBS stated last year that JYJ's activities are illegal as their dispute with SMEnt was still unsolved. KBS stated that they couldn't allow boys to perform live on any music show. It was KBS that fucked them royally over Jeju promotions concert last year.

   And now it sends them an award not even given them by KBS but netizens. If the voting was not public, I wonder, would they cheat and give the award to the second place? Would they hide the truth just because it's inconvenient?
Oh no, they won, KBS had to give them this damned award. Instead of inviting them, they sent a guy to deliver the award as if it was a payment for a shady doing.

"...three young men who are still spirited, lively, and cheerful as before"
 Oh wait, what "before"? Before splitting? Before being banned? Before being screwed by all broadcasts?

   On the pic boys look more like "WTF" than cheerful anyway. As if someone played a bad joke on them.
For me as a fan, this award means nothing. It was not KBS that awarded them, but netizens. If KBS invited them to the studio for a live performance, that would be better award than this. And better medicine than some herbal crap to "eat and hang in there". Hang in there... so we can screw you even more yet you'll be healthy and tough cause you ate our medicine, right?

And it's only January 5th...

Source: Twitter and allkpop