
Saturday, December 03, 2011

Some songs

   Since What's Up! finally arrived, maybe two videos. First - of course Lunatic by Daesung, and second - YB (some people will be happy they won an award lately at MAMA).
Before I put those here, one small clarification. I do like Dae's voice a lot. But in the video they used raw material, and it doesn't sound like mixed properly (there is a huge gap between how his voice sounds and how music sounds), and it looks like demo version. The audio alone is of better quality.
Second, if it's not any hoax, I'm shocked. I really am.
I do hope it's not a hoax and it's really Dae, cause I love this song.


The song is available here. That's not my link so I'm not responsible if it disappears one day.

And since we are in rock music anyway, YB as promised:
YB - 흰수염고래 MV (Blue Whale)

During their press conference in Singapore, they expressed wish to concert globally. Europe awaits, awaits!

To end it, if anyone likes Yiruma (me!!), here is his latest Yiruma & Piano (3 parts):
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3