
Sunday, October 09, 2011

‘Nightly assassin’

   Another translated article. This time with glossary, because without it, my work is just some  incomprehensible blabbering. I tried my best to translate it in an understandable way, but it's impossible without additional information. I also left few words in original in parentheses, just in case anyone wants to translate them in your way.

‘Nightly assassin’ – Park Shihu, ceaselessly shining.

            Thanks to his passionate acting in The Princess’ Man he almost set women viewers ablaze. His latest transformation into gorgeous “nightly assassin” made all the ladies flutter.
            Netizens say: ”Park Shihu shines as ever, be it the ‘young gentleman’ (꽃도령) or ‘assassin’ (밤의 자객)”, “incurable Shihu-illness”, which shows the attitude of young women towards “Gongnam” (me: 공남, abbreviation from the title).
            Park appears as Seung-yu, a talented pedigree of a prestigious family and at first he is ‘the pretty Professor of Jonghak’ (종학의 꽃미남 강사). He was even taken under the consideration as the Royal Prince Consort, but after his family demise, he grabbed the sword against all his enemies. The grudge and hatred killed the precious son of a noble family and turned him into the assassin sweating with blood.
            Honoring his father wishes but embracing love in his heart, he was confronted with brutal ‘reality of the coup’ that emerged suddenly, destroyed his entire family and obliterated that bright person that he was. His smiling face disappeared completely, being replaced only by tragic resolution for the revenge.
            With time he began to doubt whether the revenge aimed at political opponents is better and if not, maybe should target individuals. After being left alone, he acquired first support in Jo Seokju of Bing Ok Gwan, and met his sister-in-law and it was for those two that they made Seung-yu change the view on the revenge.
            Perhaps the never-ending question of ‘what exactly is revenge’ is the main axis of The Princess’ Man? Seung-yu amounted from ‘family revenge’ to ‘restoration of the state’. If ‘personal revenge’ meets with moral justification for a great cause, it may even show the right path for the assassin. This all gathers much interest among the fans.

Additional notes:

This article employs two words for 'assassin': 자객 (jagaek) and 살수 (salsu, only once, the end of paragr. 3). Salsu is used ie. in Idiot Baek Dongsu for describing Un, and I didn't have the time to delve more into this matter, forgive me.
꽃도령 - the abbreviation from 꽃 + 도령님 : flower + young master (doryeongnim, we hear that a lot in sageuk).
Royal Prince Consort - 부마 (buma, the title that later was applied to Jeong Jong after his marriage with Princess Gyeonghye *a moment for weeping hysterically*).
Jonghak (종학) - system of education for the members of the Royal Family. 강사 (kangsa means lecturer, instructor, professor). In the drama (and real life) the head of this institution was Lee Gae (executed after the counter-coup).
Bing Ok Gwan - (빙옥관) the place where protected by Jo gisaeng lived.
‘family revenge’ - 가문의 복수 (gamun ui boksu)
‘restoration of the state’ - 종묘사직의 복원: this was the hard part, because the first one 종묘사직 (Jongmyo sajik) denotes the Confucian shrine (remember SKKS?) and the bogwon means resignation, so I did what I could.

Copyright (translation): ©Ethlenn