
Friday, October 28, 2011

JYJ spamming^^

Why? Because I adore them, that's why.

Here, some sunshine into october, lonely Friday night:

On October 28, Yoo Chun posted a photo on his Twitter page with the comment “I can smell the scent of loneliness from this street of Spain, which seems to absorb moisture from big drops of rain.”
In the photo, Yoo Chun wears a soft smile, dressed in a zip-up knit and a matching hat.
People who saw the photo said: “You’re so cute.” “I guess it’s a Spainlook. Am I right?” “I hope you have a pleasant time there.” “Cross your fingers. Good luck for JYJ’s Spain concert.”
On October 24, JYJ departed for Barcelona, Spain to carry out a Europe tour. The boy group will hold a concert in Spain on October 29 before moving to Germany.
By Park Hye-gyeong
Source: Starnews (Original article in Korean)
Photo from Starnews

Translated by Geum Jae /

And the second (awesomely funny)

JYJ’s Kim Jun Su made Park Yoo Chun and Kim Jae Joong, the other two members of the group, pout.
On the 28th, Jun Su tweeted a picture with the comment, “What should I eat?”
In the picture, Jun Su is looking at the menu at a restaurant.
Park saw the picture and tweeted, “You didn’t want to eat dinner with us. You said you don’t want to eat but you eat by yourself?” Then Jun Su replied, “I originally went out to shop but I was too hungry.”
But Park and Jae Joong threatened Jun Su by saying: “I will change the position of your cheekbone with your anklebone.” “I will change the place of your rib with your Achilles tendon.”
People responded: “Jun Su didn’t want to eat dinner with Jae Joong and Yoo Chun.” “Jun Su! Don’t ever eat dinner by yourself. They are very scary. Haha.”
JYJ flew to Spain on the 24th for their European tour.

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