
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Column – An Inconvenient Truth about JYJ’s TV Appearance

   It's the translated article from Nate that appeared here, on JYJ website. And it's heavy, and it's right into your face. I'm not a big fan of conspiracy theories, but what is happening around JYJ isn't normal. As always, read this and make your own judgement, but since this article appeared as Column part on Nate, not in fan section - something is going on, and pray that will help boys' situation.


OCT 04, 2011
Here is an idol group that is the center of Hallyu[Korean Wave].
They are immensely popular.

As an idol group, they have expanded their activities by combining unit-activities in acting, musicals and other fields. Their songs swept charts on music sites as soon as their album was released, pre-order of the album was 300,000 copies and even some record shops made exclusive counters only for their album. They are also due to have concerts in Europe, beyond the U.S.A.

However, music distributors refuse to distribute their album when this idol group plans to release, venues reject their concerts when they plan to have one in Japan. TV program is cancelled even though they already have finished recording [of the program], and they even suddenly get cancelled of the stages that they are scheduled to perform to celebrate the event as the honorary ambassador.
You can see them on news and dramas but cannot see them on programs of entertainment department [of the same broadcasting company] at all.

If you see these twofold situations, you might think that this idol group committed some kind of heinous crimes or had really bad reputations that make people reluctant to work with them. Or you could doubt that they refrain themselves from TV appearances as a mysticism strategy.

What if all of these doubts are not true? What if they are banned on TV without any heinous crimes committed, always receive a favorable evaluation from colleagues who work with them and sincerely desire to appear on TV?
Then it is a natural to think that there is something wrong.

This idol group who I have explained on this column, is JYJ. The group is formed by Junsu Kim, Yucheon Park and Jaejung Kim from TVXQ, the best Hallyu idol group of Korea, and they do not seem to have their activities freely even though they are massively popular. And they speak about these situations so calmly, as if these things are just everyday life to them.

They are idol stars and there are likes and dislikes to see them just like all idols have. Ordinary men might do not like them or there are fans and anti-fans even among women. But those have nothing to do with these situations. The thing you should focus on is that they [JYJ] are under unfair situations despite the fact that they have the most powerful strength as a celebrity. JYJ has one of the most powerful strength as celebrity in public. The power of a celebrity comes from fans. The fandom JYJ has passes over Korea and the scale is beyond your imagination. The royalty of fans are amazing. At the moment in Korea, the pre-order of 300,000 copies of album is absolutely outstanding and this is just a simple example of their fandom’s volume and strength. However, they receive all kinds of unfair treatments although they have such powerful strength.

What could be the reasons for this? No one could say clearly. But one thing seems to be clear – There are a lot of possibilities that some big power exists[behind of this situation].

There is a word P.S.M on the song ‘Pierrot’ on their latest album.
SBS and MBC enquired what the word meant, Jaejoong Kim who wrote the words of the song answered that it stands for ‘Performance,’ ‘Success,’ ‘Museum.’ The song was passed the broadcasting reviews of those two broadcasting companies.
But KBS interpreted this arbitrarily and the song did not pass the review [of KBS].
It did not even ask the meaning to the creator of the song.Then what made KBS so sure of its review, on which certain basics?
There must be reasons.
One thing is clear. Other artists may face even bigger interferences that actually can make them impossible to live their basic life. For them, it is a problem of life or death. I seriously think that this situation beyond fairness, which can severely damage someone’s living, needs to be corrected.

KBS previously said that JYJ would be able to appear on Music Bank when they release an official album. And JYJ says they really want to be there. The songs already took the top of music charts and album sales seem to take the top for sure. Also their title songs, <In Heaven> and <Get out> already passed its broadcasting reviews. If JYJ cannot appear with these facts, it must be inferred that KBS, the public broadcasting cooperation that must consider its viewers as its priority, puts something above the viewers.
Also I expect that it would be way off to save artists who cannot have activities on TV with nothing to blame if JYJ could not appear on Music Bank. You might think that there is no way but to surrender to the power [that causes this situation]. And surrendering to the power could directly become the beginning of unconscionable bargains, because this is a matter of simple survival to someone.

The issue of JYJ’s TV appearance is not just intolerant matter about whether an idol group can appear on TV or not. This is an issue of that whether the healthy industry can be settled or not. The current audition craze manifests show people’s desire to see no other than a fair society that evaluates someone only by ‘ability’. JYJ’s case is the same.
Whether you are a fan or not, this issue is definitely a matter you must think about. About ‘fairness’.