
Sunday, September 04, 2011

Music again

   It's been a long time since I posted anything septet-unrelated. The main reason was - nothing interested me enough to post it. I tried to convince myself to W&Whale's new album, but I failed. I adore this duo, I really do, and W's music imagination accompanied by Whale's amazing vocal is something I like and listen with pleasure. But Circusss just disappointed me. I watched their live performances (because I watch all 4 music shows now again), and although I can admit they are better live than on album, I'm still not convinced. And I really love Moon Madness and 슬픈 노래는 부르지 않을 거야. The latter is my favorite song of them. The subtle W's back-up just hit the last nail to my grave first time I listened to it (it's somewhere on the player here, listen).
Jaurim is making the comeback, and I like the new album. Have to listen to it few more times, but so far so good. Jaurim-like.

And I have a weak spot for Epitone Project. It's so Tei-ish sometimes, ad I do like Tei a lot.
Casker released one single as well.
And the rest is here:
01. 너 근심 걱정 말아라 - NaUl
02. 주 하나님 지으신 모든 세계 - Lee Ji Young (of Big Mama)
03. 예수 나를 사랑하시고 - Dynamic Duo
04. 시온성과 같은 교회 - Young Jun (of Brown Eyed Soul)
05. 내 주를 가까이 하려 함은 - Lisa
06. 선한 목자 되신 우리 주 - Sung Hun (of Brown Eyed Soul)
07. 하나님의 크신 사랑 - Kim Min Jin & Choi Ah Rom (of Bubble Sisters)
08. 주의 친절한 팔에 안기세 - Kim Bum Soo
09. 주 예수보다 더 귀한 것은 없네 - Park Ji Yoon
10. 오 놀라운 구세주 예수 내 주 - Jo Seung Woo
11. 내 평생에 선하심과 인자하심이 - 곽윤찬 

THE THE BAND How Many Times - pop rock. I never heard of this band, to be honest.
The Moonshiners Vol.2 - I don't think I need to introduce that to anyone, right? Rock.

So far, that would be all.