
Thursday, September 29, 2011

JYJ drama, Episode 16

   It all looked like a normal, regular Kdrama, 16 episodes and it was supposed to end with the trial, and some "happily ever after" crap. It didn't end that way. It was extended, and changed into taeha, you know, with plotting, scheming, ransacking the villages, impaling, poisoning (damn, I almost spilled Queen Seondeok plot). KBS (I love their dramas, I do, but their music policy is pure *non-existent-word-for-describing-utmost-fury*) has done that yet again. Remember Jeju concert and cancellation? Yeah, something similar came along. Apparently, letters P.S.M. in the song "Pierrot" (which is a good song) are discovered by KBS to have the ominous meaning of... taram ta tam! SMEnt President Lee Suman. Why am I not even shocked by that? Oh yes, I know why. When you're sitting in a sh*thole for so long, your nose is just numb for any new one coming at you. As the consequence - this song was banned from appearing on KBS (as if they broadast anything from the boys). About the meaning... they could have asked Jaejung who wrote that. Just sayin'

KBS‘s review on JYJ‘s “Pierrot” has shocked both the trio and their agency. JYJ’s agency stated, “This is an unfair result of arbitrary interpretation.”
KBS revealed their song review results through their homepage on September 28th, where it was revealed that they had deemed JYJ’s “Pierrot” as unfit for broadcast. KBS reasoned, “This is a personal attack against an individual. The lyrics contain the word ‘P.S.M’ which stands for ‘President Lee Soo Man‘ [of SM Entertainment], and is filled with a personal resentment towards an individual.”
The review and explanation stunned JYJ’s agency. C-JeS Entertainment spoke with Star News on September 29th and said, “KBS arbitrarily interpreted the song without even taking the steps to confirm their interpretation.” “They never even asked whether it was a personal attack against a particular individual during the review process. There was no effort whatsoever in trying to understand the composer’s intentions.”
They continued, “Also, the song words were not aimed at an individual. As we’ve stated from the beginning, the song is about criticizing society in general, it’s definitely not a song aimed towards an individual.”
“Pierrot” contains the powerful lyrics, “I’m your pierrot it’s hilarious. I give you everything. My mind is worn out. There is nothing before money for you are a total pro, properly P.S.M. What else are you going to do to me. Take your dirty hand away. Don’t even put up with me. We are not the us of yesterday. Don’t try to trap us in a picture of that level. Take a good look at the world, it’s so beautiful. I’m not a pierrot.”
KBS interpreted those lyrics to be an expression of the conflict between JYJ and SM Entertainment. In contrast, SBS and MBC took the necessary steps to confirm the story and the intention behind the song with JYJ’s agency, and decided that the song was acceptable for broadcast.
JYJ’s agency has revealed that they plan to put in a request for a re-examination with an explanation on the background of the lyrics.
JYJ member Kim Jaejoong wrote on his Twitter, “A person has the  freedom to imagine. I’m curious as to what kind of person’s imagination this is, and what kind of result will come out, Boss Fighting! Album fighting!”

I'm back to my books again.