
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Baking spree

   I baked this week a lot. I always bake when I have something heavy on my mind or when I want to distract myself from something.
On Tuesday I baked sunflower cookies I called Kpop cookies, and just now I finished my Infinite Sesame Player... I mean sesame cookies.
So for those who are interested, recipes.
Cookies are easy to make and yummy.

First, Kpop Cookies:
(ethymology: they are full of everything, rich, tasty yet looking not stunning. Highly addictive.)
1 1/3 glass of all-purpose flour
1 glass of oatmeal
1 glass of sunflower seeds
1 butter (I used 200 g)
1/2 glass of sugar
16 g of vanilla sugar
1 tbs baking powder.

Sunflower seeds need to be roasted. Butter, sugar and baking powder mix together, add cooled sunflower seeds, oatmeal, a bit of salt, flour and make a dough. Put into the fridge for 2 hours. Make small balls (like walnut) and DO NOT FLATTEN them. Bake around 15 minutes in 175 C.

Kpop Cookies

And Infinite's Sesame Player (Ggae gwaja, seriously, those cookies are Korean recipe)
(ethymology: because they are freaking awesome)
GGAE GWA JA - Korean Sesame Seed Cookies
(From this website)
¾ cup sesame seeds 2 eggs
1 cup REAL butter (no substitutions) 1 tsp baking soda
¾ cup brown sugar 1 tsp hot water
¾ cup white sugar 1 tsp vanilla extract
2 ½-3 cups flour

Rinse sesame seeds in bowl; drain. In frying pan, toast sesame seeds over med-high heat, stirring constantly to prevent burning. When seeds are slightly browned and puffed, remove from heat and cool. Cream butter with brown and white sugars. Add eggs and beat well. Add baking soda, hot water, and vanilla extract. Mix well. Stir in flour and sesame seeds to make stiff dough. Cover and refrigerate until dough is firm. Roll heaping teaspoonfuls into balls; place on greased baking sheet, about 2 in. apart. Flatten slightly. Bake at 170 C for 10-12 min.