
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Infinite interview

Way to go, boys! Nuna is very proud^^
Oh yes, forgot to mention - lot of text. Not two-sentence answers either. Fangirls may not like it.

Before getting known for their 'scorpion dance' and synchronized performances, INFINTE -- composed of members Sung-kyu, Woo-hyun, Dong-woo, Hyoa, Sung-yeol, L and Sung-jong -- made their first appearance on television through Mnet’s reality TV show “INFINITE! You are the One” in April of last year which featured the hardships and trials that the boys went through before making their official debut with their single “Come Back Again.”

Then after following their activities with “She’s Back” from their first mini-album “First Invasion," the seven-member boy band broke away from their boy-next-door image and returned with “Before the Dawn (BTD)” through which they displayed their growth in terms of both music and appearance. After promoting “BTD,” INFINITE returned with a softer image with “Nothing’s Over” and ballad “Can U Smile.”
(Aww, Can U Smile is so, so great^^)

Now INFINITE is focusing on breaking into the music market in Japan, having held their official showcase in Osaka on Sunday and set to hold another in Tokyo today.

The boys had already caused a stir before their official debut in the country with the ringtone version of their singles "TO-RA-WA (the boys' Korean song "Come Back Again" whose title was changed for the Japanese release)," "She's Back," "BTD (Before the Dawn)," "Nothing's Over" and "Hysterie" placing atop Japan’s mobile music chart in April.

The boys are also leading a busy schedule in Korea while preparing for their return to the K-pop scene with the release of their first full-length album which will hit stores on July 21.

10Asia talked to members Sung-kyu and Woo-hyun, currently in Japan, on their thoughts and feelings about making their official debut overseas.

10: How do you feel about making your official debut overseas and what are some of your expectations?
Sung-kyu: I just want to say that it is a great honor and experience to make our official debut in Japan. I also want to express my gratitude to the senior singers that have paved the path for us in the different countries. We were also able to perform at the Tokyo Dome for the Hallyu concert and it was great sharing the stage with them. We will work hard and would someday like to hold our own concert there as well.
10: What were some of the unforgettable and memorable moments from your showcase?
Sung-kyu: The most memorable moment was holding the high-five event after our showcase. We stood in front of the door after our show and high-fived all the fans that were there. It was a fun experience but it was tiring as well because it didn't seem to end. My hand was swollen the next day. I would agree to do it if we were given a chance to do it at our showcase in Korea.
10: What are some of the things that you'd want to do if you were to visit Japan again?
Sung-kyu: Our priority for this visit was to perform but if I was given another opportunity, I want to visit the hot springs with the other members. I would also like to visit several tourist spots because we don't have time to do anything this time since our schedule is really full.
10: Can you tell us about the best food that you have tasted in the country?
Sung-kyu: I know that Osaka is famous for okonomiyaki and it was really good eating it in the country.
10: What do you think is the difference between fans in Korea and Japan?
Sung-kyu: First of all the language is different. Fans in Japan would scream and cheer but become real quiet once we start talking. I thought that was interesting. Our fans in Korea and Japan are both enthusiastic when they cheer. Our fans in Japan were yelling our names during our songs just like our fans in Korea. I feel that all the fans share the same mind.
10: What are some of the fun or exciting things that has happened during your visit in Japan?
Sung-kyu: I was just excited to eat good food and just be in Japan. Still, I had the most fun while performing on stage and during shows.
10: Who do you think was the most popular member among the fans?
Sung-kyu: I felt that L was the most popular among the fans since he is shooting his drama here and had several articles written about him. (Who would you say is the most popular on a scale of 1 to 10) I don't think I can reveal that directly. (laugh)
10: Can you tell us what it was like performing at the Tokyo Dome for KBS' “K-POP Festival Music Bank In Tokyo" last week?
Sung-kyu: It was a great honor and opportunity to perform on such a stage because it isn’t a common occurrence. I just felt really honored to have been a part of it. I feel a sense of satisfaction and it was my dream stage.
10: So when do you think that INFINITE will be able to hold your own concert at the Tokyo Dome?
Sung-kyu: Maybe within two years. (laugh)
10: If you were given a chance to visit another country where would you want to go and why?
Sung-kyu: We haven't gone to China yet while we have performed in other countries. I would like to hold a show in China since our performance last time was cancelled.
10: Is there anything that you want to say to your fans?
Sung-kyu: I want to say thank you for always welcoming us where ever we go and we will return your support and love through our performances! 

10: How do you feel about making your official debut overseas and what are some of your expectations?
Woo-hyun: I want to first start off by saying thank you to the senior singers who have made their debut in the country and have led the way for us. I heard of how TVXQ had a hard time performing in the country at first but because they did such a great job, we were able to successfully wrap up our showcase. My biggest expectation is meeting our fans in Japan and I'm being greedy but I would really like for our fan base in Japan to grow.
10: What were some of the unforgettable and memorable moments during your showcase?
Woo-hyun: The most memorable moment was when our Japanese fans sang along with us in Korean. They were actually singing all the lyrics in Korean and I was a bit surprised by that.
10: What are some of the things that you want to do if you were to visit Japan again?
Woo-hyun: I would like to travel with the members. I also want to go shopping and make special memories with the fans in Japan. It would be great to have an opportunity to become close with them outside of the showcase.
10: Can you tell us about the best food that you have tasted in the country?
Woo-hyun: We have tasted several foods in the country such as takoyaki, yakisoba and okonomiyaki. It had a salty taste but there was a certain texture to it. Okonomiyaki is the popular food in Osaka and the taste of actually eating it in the country is a different experience.
10: What do you think is the difference between the fans in Korea and Japan?
Woo-hyun: I can't really tell the difference between the fans. I just feel that fans in general have the same mindset. Their synergy and heart are all the same. They really show their love for us and I can see how passionate they are by looking at their eyes when they cheer.
10: What are some of the fun or exciting things that has happened during your visit in Japan?
Woo-hyun: It was really funny seeing the nervous expressions on the members’ faces since this was our very first showcase in Japan. They looked different from how they look during shows in Korea. Nothing was different about me since I usually talk a lot and L is usually quiet but he was even more silent. The nervous and anxious looks on the other members' faces were really cute.
10: Who do you think was the most popular member among the fans?
Woo-hyun: All the members are popular. Sung-jong is popular and so is L since he is here shooting his drama. I can't say which single member is the most popular... I feel that we receive equal shares of our fans' love.
10: Can you tell us what it was like performing at the Tokyo Dome for KBS' “K-POP Festival Music Bank In Tokyo" last week?
Woo-hyun: We were extremely nervous. There were a lot of fans at the concert and performing in front of them was just a great feeling and it was an honor to share the stage with the senior artists. It was quite an experience. I felt like we didn't deserve this opportunity to perform on such a great stage.
10: So when do you think that INFINITE will be able to hold your own concert at the Tokyo Dome?
Woo-hyun: There are a lot of other senior singers that have yet to perform there but preferably it will happen for us in a year or two. The sooner the better. (laugh) We are always prepared.
10: If you were given a chance to visit another country where would you want to go and why?
Woo-hyun: I would like to go on a world tour. I know that not a lot of people know who we are but I want to visit each country that has at least one or two of our fans. I also want to create awareness about INFINITE to those who don't know who we are. It would be nice to also visit any country in Europe and South America.
10: Is there anything that you want to say to your fans?
Woo-hyun: I appreciate all the love and support that you have shown us.
I really appreciate all the love and support that you have shown us. I will dance and since till my body breaks down. I can't live without you INSPIRIT! 

10: How do you feel about making your official debut overseas and what are some of your expectations?
Dong-woo: I feel really great about making our debut overseas since the nowadays the K-pop boom is growing. I feel content that I am able to sing and promote our songs overseas without any restrictions. Making our debut overseas is having one of my dreams of being a singer come true.
10: What were some of the unforgettable and memorable moments from your showcase?
Dong-woo: Even though we have the language barrier, the fans sang along to our songs. It was also great seeing our members interacting with our fans overseas.
10: What are some of the things that you'd want to do if you were to visit Japan again?
Dong-woo: I personally like animation and stuffed animals so I want to visit Shibuya because I heard of a place where they have a bunch of anime there. I want to visit the shopping town. And I haven’t seen any mountains while I was here but I would like to go hiking with the other members. (So do you want to go shopping with the other members as well?) No, I want to go shopping by myself. (laugh)
10: Can you tell us about the best food that you have tasted in the country?
Dong-woo: The okonomiyaki was really good. Oh! We had the best udon yesterday. The taste was different but it was really good! I was surprised to see that it was served in such a huge bowl.
10: What do you think is the difference between fans in Korea and Japan?
Dong-woo: I couldn’t find any difference between our fans in Korea and Japan. All the fans are the same -- just that the language we speak is different.
10: What are some of the fun or exciting things that has happened during your visit in Japan?
Dong-woo: We arrived in Tokyo yesterday and we visited the Tokyo Tower and it felt really great going up to the top and seeing the view.
10: Who do you think was the most popular member among the fans?
Dong-woo: I thought that Woo-hyun was popular among the fans. (Why do you think so?) I think it’s because of his cuteness. I feel that cuteness is acceptable all over the world. (laugh)
10: Can you tell us what it was like performing at the Tokyo Dome for KBS' “K-POP Festival Music Bank In Tokyo" last week?
Dong-woo: Honestly, it was such a great honor just being able to stand on the stage and perform along with the senior singers. I felt extremely happy just dancing and singing in front of all those fans.
10: Is there anything that you want to say to your fans?
Dong-woo: We are always working hard on our music and I just want to tell our fans that they should always take care of themselves!

10: How do you feel about making your official debut overseas and what are some of your expectations?
Sung-yeol: I felt that we were able to make our debut overseas comfortably since our senior singers have paved the way for us. I want to thank them for all their efforts.
10: What were some of the unforgettable and memorable moments from your showcase?
Sung-yeol: I was thankful seeing all the fans cheering for us. I think I even saw some old ladies in the crowd. I said to myself “Wow” just looking at the different range of fans that came to our showcase. It was also interesting to see how the fans in Japan followed the cheering style of our fans in Korea where they yell out our names during the bridge of our songs.
10: What are some of the things that you'd want to do if you were to visit Japan again?
Sung-yeol: Our main purpose of this visit was to work and next time I would like to visit the various cultural places and the sights in Japan. I want to go to those places with the other members. (Have you tried sneaking past your managers just like you did in your reality show?) No, we weren’t able to since our room was right next the C.E.O of our company. (laugh)
10: Can you tell us about the best food that you have tasted in the country?
Sung-yeol: Yesterday, we ate udon and it is served in really big bowls in Japan.
10: What do you think is the difference between fans in Korea and Japan?
Sung-yeol: Our fans in Korea are in a certain age group while the range in Japan is very broad. Most of our fans in Korea are in their teens or twenties and we have wide range of fans in Japan. I think I also saw a baby in the crowd. (laugh)
10: What are some of the fun or exciting things that has happened during your visit in Japan?
Sung-yeol: I had a lot of fun with the high-five event. The fans were all wearing name tags and it was kind of hard because it took a long time but was great. (How was your hand the next day?) My hand wasn’t swollen but my wrist really hurt. (laugh)
10: Who do you think was the most popular member among the fans?
Sung-yeol: I was surprised to see that Sung-kyu was popular among the fans. I thought we were equally popular but many of the fans were calling our Sung-kyu’s name.
10: Can you tell us what it was like performing at the Tokyo Dome for KBS' “K-POP Festival Music Bank In Tokyo" last week?
Sung-yeol: There were thousands of fans and I felt that we still lacked the experience. I felt like our confidence was shot because we have never performed in front of so many fans. We still need to build on our careers.
10: If you were given a chance to visit another country where would you want to go and why?
Sung-yeol: I know that there is a Hallyu craze in France so I want to continue spreading that there.
10: Is there anything that you want to say to your fans?
Sung-yeol: Please continue showing your support and love for INFINITE! 

10: How do you feel about making your official debut overseas and what are some of your expectations?
Sung-jong: I was waiting for a while now. We were supposed to make our debut in March but it was delayed and now since we have, I feel like I fulfilled my dream. It feels great and it was exciting! Lately, I dream about the showcase whenever I sleep. It was just a happy moment. (So, you don’t want to go back to Korea?) We have to go back to Korea because of our comeback. For me, I like both countries very much. (laugh)
10: What were some of the unforgettable and memorable moments from your showcase?
Sung-jong: I memorized several phrases in Japanese before coming here and the fans' reaction was great. I felt good about it since they reacted so well to it. It was also great seeing them cheer when we went on stage after our introductions. I almost cried.
10: What are some of the things that you'd want to do if you were to visit Japan again?
Sung-jong: I want to go shopping in Japan. I also want to go visit popular tourist sites and go bumping jumping off the Tokyo Tower. Oh! I want to go to Japan’s Disneyland with the other members. I wish that the managers will just drop us off and leave so we can just enjoy our free time. I heard that you can’t ride all the rides in one day so it will be great just being on rides for two days. (laugh)
10: Can you tell us about the best food that you have tasted in the country?
Sung-jong: Curry ramen, the different kinds of sushi and udon was really good. The balance of the different ingredients was great.
10: What do you think is the difference between fans in Korea and Japan?
Sung-jong: I don’t think there was a difference but if I have to point out one thing it’s probably the language. Still, the fans in Japan were able to say several things in Korean.
10: What are some of the fun or exciting things that has happened during your visit in Japan?
Sung-jong: I really enjoyed our encore performance because we were able to hand out towels with our names to the fans.
10: Who do you think was the most popular member among the fans?
Sung-jong: I thought the most popular members were Woo-hyun and Hoya. Their fans were yelling out their names the most.
10: Can you tell us what it was like performing at the Tokyo Dome for KBS' “K-POP Festival Music Bank In Tokyo" last week?
Sung-jong: It’s not a common to get to perform on such a grand stage and it was a great honor to do so. I will never forget it. I can still hear the fans screaming.
10: If you were given a chance to visit another country where would you want to go and why?
Sung-jong: I really want to go to Europe and to France. I know that there is a K-pop boom there and I want to see what the fans are like in Europe.
10: Is there anything that you want to say to your fans?
Sung-jong: We will work hard and show everyone how much we have grown! I love you all so much! (Continues to say I love you in several different languages.)  

10: How do you feel about making your official debut overseas and what are some of your expectations?
L: I am just extremely glad that we held our official showcase in Japan. I hope to take part in many activities in Japan. I was always interested in Japan because of the unique fashion style.
10: What were some of the unforgettable and memorable moments from your showcase?
L: The most unforgettable moment was the high-five event. It felt great being able to high-five the fans that came to see us during our showcase and there were several fans that cried while others were extremely ecstatic. It was memorable because we were able to meet our fans after our showcase was over. (Was your hand okay the next day?) No, my hand was actually quite swollen. (laugh)
10: What are some of the things that you'd want to do if you were to visit Japan again?
L: I really want to go to Japan’s Disneyland and visit hot springs. I want to visit those places with the other members.
10: Can you tell us about the best food that you have tasted in the country?
L: I was in Japan for a longer time than the other members because of the Japanese drama that I am shooting now and during that time I ate a lot of good food. (Can you choose your top three?) My No. 1 choice is udon then yakimeshi and finally Japanese style curry.
10: What do you think is the difference between fans in Korea and Japan?
L: I felt that there was a cultural difference when it came to fans’ reactions. The fans in Korea are very enthusiastic with their reactions while the fans were quiet during the showcase. And they probably thought we were charming because we are considered foreign artists. They thought we were cute even though we mispronounced some Japanese phrases. Also, the fans said encouraging things to us during the high-five event and I was really happy that they showed their love and support.
10: What are some fun or exciting things that has happened during your visit in Japan?
L: I am currently shooting a drama in Japan and there is a scene where I have to dress up like a woman in order to kill someone in a hospital. So I wore a nurse’s outfit and I was also wearing stockings and makeup. It was definitely a different experience. (laugh)
10: Who do you think was the most popular member among the fans?
L: I personally thought that Sung-yeol was popular among the fans. Many of the fans were cheered loudly whenever he spoke. Also, I stood in front of Sung-yeol during the high-five event and some of the fans walked right past me just to go high-five Sung-yeol. I was kind of hurt. (laugh) Even at the airport many of the fans were holding up signs with Sung-yeol’s name. However, I feel like we equally popular.
10: Can you tell us what it was like performing at the Tokyo Dome for KBS' “K-POP Festival Music Bank In Tokyo" last week?
L: I felt very honored that we were give that opportunity. It was just happy being on stage for our fans in Japan as well as performing along with the senior artists.
10: Is there anything that you want to say to your fans?
L: I hope that all our fans will show their support and love since our first full-length album is coming out soon! And there will be a special broadcast featuring my character Jui from “Jiu: Keishichou Tokushuhan Sousakei” and my first appearance will be on July 29! I hope that you all enjoy it! 

10: How do you feel about making your official debut overseas and what are some of your expectations?
Hoya: When I dreamt about becoming a singer, I always wanted to make my debut overseas just like our senior singers Rain and TVXQ. They worked really hard overseas and I wanted to follow their footsteps. It also felt really good making our official debut in Japan and I personally want to visit Europe and the United States.
10: What were some of the unforgettable and memorable moments from your showcase?
Hoya: I don’t think I can forget the high-five event. It was interesting because none of us have ever done it before. It was great seeing the fans after our showcase since I felt that we weren’t able to show our all during the show. (How was your hand the next day?) My hand was fine unlike the other members. (laugh)
10: What are some of the things that you'd want to do if you were to visit Japan again?
Hoya: I personally want to go sightseeing. I want to shop and visit Shibuya and other cities all by myself. (Won’t you be afraid going alone?) I think it will be exciting because of that language barrier.
10: Can you tell us about the best food that you have tasted in the country?
Hoya: We had the best tasting udon yesterday and I also liked donkatsu and Japanese curry.
10: What do you think is the difference between fans in Korea and Japan?
Hoya: The biggest difference was the age. Our fans in Korea are usually people in their teens and twenties but our fans in Japan were in their thirties and forties. Still, no matter the age difference they still cheered for us the same way.
10: What are some of the fun or exciting things that has happened during your visit in Japan?
Hoya: Besides performing on stage, it was great visiting a shopping mall. We were told that the mall that we went sold everything. (Did you buy anything?) No, because I didn’t have any money.
10: Who do you think was the most popular member among the fans?
Hoya: Me. (laugh) I was quite surprised because Sung-jong was popular among the fans. It seemed like he is more popular in Japan than he is in Korea. And during the high-five event I saw many fans holding posters with his name on it.
10: Can you tell us what it was like performing at the Tokyo Dome for KBS' “K-POP Festival Music Bank In Tokyo" last week?
Hoya: I saw that there were a LOT of people when I first got on stage. I couldn’t even count the number of people that were there. We were all wearing earpieces and couldn’t hear the cheers and I wanted to hear the fans cheer so I took out my earpiece for a second during our performance and I thought my ear was going to fall off from the screams.
10: If you were given a chance to visit another country where would you want to go and why?
Hoya: I really want to hold a concert in the United States. (Are you fluent in English?) No, but I’m studying. I always wanted to pursue activities in the United States since it has been my dream.
10: Is there anything that you want to say to your fans?
Hoya: I want to tell all our fans that they should anticipate our comeback with our first full-length album. We will work hard and show our best through our performance. 

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>