
Sunday, June 26, 2011


   After some time, Huckleberry Finn released an album. At the beginning of July another band will do the same - W & Whale. Just can't wait, can't wait. While looking for samples, I came across lj community and one of the comments on new HF album was: but why such a strange name for a band? My answer is only one - read some f*cking books! Or - if those are too much for the mashed up brain - wikipedia is the friendliest friend of some out there! Asking what Huckleberry Finn stands for is like asking for troubles. Damn, soon Dumas won't say anything to some half-brainers. Am I too harsh? Hell, I'm restraining myself right now, trust me it's hard.
Anyway, back to the music - Huckleberry Finn are doing what they do best - wavy, nice sounds.

And some others: