
Tuesday, May 03, 2011

New Tales of Gisaeng: some new pictures

   Drool alert. In case anyone is watching this - in Ah Damo's room there is this black-and-white picture on the wall, right? Each time I'm watching that in the drama, I'm thinking about pausing and lic... I mean licorice eating, ekhem... Good for your health, they say. Licorice, that is.
So, what was I... ah yes, this hanging picture. In case anyone has one, contact me.
Pictures here are not the same but... crap... I lost my ability to form a proper sentence, nevermind...

So, the pictures, because my head is spinning and I can't write anything that makes sense except for cursing. 
First, character charts, because I don't think I posted it anywhere.
Dan Saran family:

Geum Eosan family:
 Geum Kangsan family:

Ah Damo family:



The rest of the pics: