
Monday, March 28, 2011

To be... or ehm... I have the photoshoot!

   80% of Korean Teen Celebs Do Not Attend School Regularly
So what? We all know about this. No one could convince me, not even with a thousand blings and peacock make-up, that with tight schedules as usually entertainers have, one is able to attend the classes. I'm not that clueless. So if they are unable to attend, I'd say - drop it. Not everyone has to put M.A. before the name anyway. Do what you do best and stop pretending. At least IU is honest as she said she won't be attending the college because of lack of time.
The other issues are more serious though. We had this talk not once and not twice over on DA and in private. Entertainment uses its stars to the maximum. And the nature can't stand the void, so if someone is not willing, there are others who will.

The article is below.

Korea's Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism recently conducted a survey asking teen stars whether they were attending school regularly or not.
It was the first survey done for adolescent celebrities which number around 70 in the country.
And one third of them, who are currently working in the industry, took part in the survey.
And the results showed that 80 percent have skipped school in the past because of conflicts with their work schedule.
One out of four said they worked long hours, even well into the night.
One out of six revealed that they were forced to lose weight and be put on a diet by their entertainment agency.
Meanwhile, 25 percent endorsed regulations that would protect their rights, while others expressed fears that too many restrictions could do more harm than good and ultimately negatively impact their careers.
"When production speeds up unexpectedly, there is bound to be a lot of shooting done in the wee hours of the night. Since this occurs often, it becomes problematic to just limit the activities of teenage celebrities. This will put a lot of pressure and strain on the young stars as well as their entertainment agencies."
Recognizing the need for providing a healthier environment for teenage singers and actors, the culture ministry has decided to impose a registration mandate for the country's entertainment agencies.
Moreover, the ministry plans to place legal and social safety nets to prevent human rights abuses… as these young people are professionals by definition, but also minors that need to be protected.
Kim Yeon-ji, Arirang News.

MAR 28, 2011
Reporter :
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