
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Hell Within

Since few days the case of late Jang Jayeon has been making headlines everywhere. Apparently police seized letters in which this poor soul named all wrongdoings done to her. She committed suicide in 2009.

Found on Koreatimes:

By Park Si-soo

Police said Wednesday they have seized dozens of original letters apparently written by the late actress Jang Ja-yeon during their search of a prison cell where Jang’s aide is serving a prison sentence for rape.
Gyeonggi Police Agency said that investigators searched his cell and several boxes of his personal belongings in Gwangju Prison after securing a search warrant and discovered 23 handwritten letters. Police will send them to the National Forensic Service to confirm who wrote them.
The letters are suspected to contain the names of high-profile figures that the rookie actress was forced to entertain and provide sexual services to.
Jang committed suicide at her home in March 2009, leaving a note indicating that she suffered extreme mental distress from being forced to have sex with dozens of business and media heavyweights.
The police raid follows an SBS TV report that cast doubt on the thoroughness of the first probe three years ago just after her death. It reported the content of the 230 pages of letters Jang allegedly sent to the aide in jail between 2005 and just days before her death.
The first probe led to none of the high-ranking figures implicated in the scandal being punished due to an alleged “lack of evidence.”
“The letters we secured were confirmed to be handwritten,” an investigator said. “But their contents remain unconfirmed.”
In the newly-discovered letters, Jang described the ordeal she endured virtually as a “call girl” in detail, mentioning 31 prominent people she “served.”
Police searched the cell in hopes of finding the letters originally written by Jang.
The news that brought the case back to the surface was reportedly based on copies of them.
In one letter, Jang openly expressed her grudge against the figures, calling them “evil” and vowing to “retaliate” even after she died.
03-09-2011 19:10

This is bad. If those letters are true, and if they are not meant to defame the girl or anyone close to her, this means some of the most hideous crimes are slowly being dragged out of the dark caves they were hiding in. From what I read, handwriting was confirmed to be the one of Jang's, but still there is a lot of murky areas here and there. 

I don't believe anyone of those who forced her to serve those guys will be punished. I don't believe any one of them will feel any remorse. I don't believe this will change anything. This is only one such tragedy that has been exposed, but how many there are of those who are still buried?
And still, some of stupid idiots think being an entertainer in Korea is all funny and colorful. It is not. As everywhere in the world, to be honest. There are scandals everywhere. There are sex-scandals everywhere. People who are naive and start in this business fell prey to some ruthless guys who have money and power. It's an old tale. And nothing's going to change.