
Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Park Shihu - Last Episode with Fans

And forgive me if I don't write for the next few days...

He looked tired. As much as I loved the drama, I'm glad it ended. For the sake of the actors.

Few more pics from the event:

And the video:

And the translation of what he said after finishing the screening:

2011-2-2 (After the final ep. Of “Queen of Reversal”)
From: SihooRang
Translated by: 守厚★晴天娃娃

감사하다는 말로 시작하는게 맞는 것 같네요^^
It seems that (I’ll) have to start with the grateful words^^

여러분...... 감사합니다...
Everyone…Thank you so much…

감사하다는 말로 시작하는게 맞는 것 같네요...
It seems that (I’ll) have to start with the grateful words^^

역전의 여왕이 드디어 여러분들의 많은 관심과 사랑속에 끝이 났습니다.
“Queen of Reversal”embraces its final with your cares and love.

매번 작품이 끝날 때마다 마음한켠 허전하고 아쉬운 마음이 남는데,
이번엔 마지막회를 함께 시청해주신 여러분들이 곁에 있어서 그 허전함이 덜했던 것 같아요...
Everytime, when one work approaches the end, my heart feels sad and it feels like lost of something. This time, thanks to all of you could watch the last episode with me, it made me feel much better…

올 겨울엔 유독 한파가 심해서 힘들기도했는데...
그럼에도 불구하고 촬영장에 와주시는 팬 분들 덕분에 힘이 나더라고요^^
This year the (unique) coldness has made things so troublesome…
But you are here despite that (coldness) ~I’ve gained so much strength from you guys^^

한 파도 잊고 현장에 나와서 응원해주셨던 모든 분들... 설연휴라 시댁에 아니면 가족들이 기다리는 집으로 먼길 가셔야하는데도 저와 마지막 방송을 함께하기위해 시간 내어주신 분들... 또, 함께하진 못했지만 같은 마음으로 끝까지 시청해주신 모든 분들...
Those who went and cheered at the shooting scene despite the coldness…those who should have been on the way to gather together with families but still came here and shared your time with me for this final episode…and, those who could not come but kept watching till the end and supporting with hearts…

여러분들 덕분에 이번에도 구용식으로 사는동안 내내 행복할 수 있었고요.. 한가지 바램이있다면...
앞으로도 아주 오랫동안 여러분들의 꼬픈남이었으면 좋겠네요^^
Thanks to all of you, this time I’ve lived happily as “Gu Yongsik”(role’s name) for a while…if I could wish for one thing…it would be great that if I could still be you guys’ “Ggo Pum Nam” (nickname means “Man I wanna Hit-on”from the drama) for a very long time^^

그 동안 수고많으셨던 여러분, 이제 며칠동안 저는 잠시 잊으시고^^
가족들과 즐거운 설 연휴 보내시길 바래요^^
Everyone, who have made a lot of efforts this period, now please just put me aside for a while^^
And enjoy the time with your family for this New Year’s holiday^^

내 곁에 있는 사람들 나를 바라 봐주는 사람들... 나를.. 또 내가 사랑하는 사람들이 있어서 너무나 행복한 오늘인 것 같습니다.
Those who are with me~those who watch over me…I…again am feeling so happy like today because I’ve got the people I love --- you guys.

그리고 항상 뭔가 재미있는 글을 남기고 싶은데 매번 저를 감상적으로 만드는 당신!
Also, though I’ve always tried to leave some interesting words, but there’s always U (guys) who made me emotional!

여러분들... 사랑해요^^
Everyone…I love you^^

새해 복 많이받으세요!
Happy New Year! (Have loads of fortune in the New Year)!
(via Baidu)