
Monday, January 24, 2011

Actors are freezing

   This is what I wanted to write some time ago after shivering with PSH in Queen of Reversals scenes. But I went to the gutter and forgot even about the meals, so blogging wasn't actually the first thing I had in mind. And yesterday, thanks to A^^ I had such a nice, heartbreaking and mellow gutter!
Fine, it's middle of the winter, but for their health sake, don't force them to wear just a jacket when the temperature is around 10 below freaking zero! Cause it looks nice without all those heavy, feathered winter jacket. There was this scene in QoR when both Taehee and Yongshik were sleeping in a hanok they found on the way, and early on the morning Yongshik is surrounded by the mist of his breath. It's crazy. I'm over-susceptible to cold, OK, but I was suffering along with them just by watching this. Are PDs and writers crazy? Are they not aware that the winter is harsh? It's not a breeze in the evening. It's freezing! I can't talk when I'm outside like this, so I just bow down they are able to act. Such finely act. But well, they are tough men and women. Not Princesses with precious complexion and sculpted for 3 hours ahjumma hair. But they act! And cry! Damn, I will kill all those at MBC if PSH will cry once again in that cold, freezing air!

Article via hancinema from Nate:

There have been continuous cases where the actors have been taken to the hospital due to lack of strength in the continuous cold and lots of filming outside.
MBC drama "Queen of Reversals"' Park Si-hoo sought the hospital because his gums were infected and swollen. The doctor said he needs total rest since his energy has gone down, brining the immune system down with it.
Park Si-hoo had to return to the set as there was no free time for the drama. However, his face also started swelling very soon and needed rest so he had to take two days off.
KBS 2TV drama "Dream High" main actors were also the same. Tacyeon often nose bled and worried others and soon after on the 20th Kim Soo-hyeon-I was taken to the emergency room because he was so exhausted.
Kim Soo-hyeon-I's company states that there were too many outdoor shoots in very cold weather and there weren't proper heating systems so his condition got worse. He will take a few days rest and go back to filming.
SBS drama "Sign" actor Park Shin-yang had a muscle pull in his leg and had to use crutches.
He put up on his Twitter, "Still shooting. Nobody is sleeping. No one can. There's nothing to say. It's so pitiful. Too many nights are being spent awake. It's like we're waiting to see who passes out first".