
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Park Shihu - Section TV

I recall I said once I'm a peace loving person, all benign and sweet as a fairy. I lied. Or I was joking badly, badly... on my worst sober mood. I completed all data to the article I'm working on (buahahaha) and as the award I watched Section TV. I watched, I cursed, I found my MBC account info. I believe all that in Latin would sound more profound. Anyway, back to the topic. There was an interview with Park Shihu as (hold on tight) Rising Star. Great. At the end of 2009 I remember another interview also with "Rising Star" and the name was: Kim Namgil. Do people who make the outlines for those shows understand what "rising star" means? I think it doesn't mean "an actor with at least 5 years of experience", but "a promising rookie". Damn... I can send some English Thesaurus, if the need be.
But it wasn't what irritated... no, not the right word... infuriated me. I summoned the hell's powers and crushed them in my fury. Because there was a photoshoot going on. Photoshoot as we can see on the still above, in front of the airport.
And what else? Ah well, a womanwannabie in an even more horrendous outfit than man-bra. Brrr...

Temperature in Seoul:
High: -7 *C
Low: -14 *C
From Arirang website: Huge pieces of ice drift on the waters off Ganghwa Island in Incheon on Jan. 18 amid a prolonged cold spell that hit the entire nation.

The air is soft, the sun is shining, and the picture gives away the idea of late May or June. But it's freaking January!! January! When everyone's noses fall off and ears are frozen.
One funny point in this interview (except for PSH) is his answer for what scenes he likes. Kiss^^
And he kisses good, judging from the dramas, ekhem... And his reaction when told that someone should accompany him, namely Kim Namju. Wahaha... so shy...

You can watch the cut here:

Or download it here:

I'd post this episode on DA, but the picture below is the proof I can't keep a copy even one minute longer.
Haters gonna hate, but I don't want to taint my HD or reputation with this any longer. I had my dark period. I overcame it. Just for the record, photoshoot was kinda unisex clothes, they even came in the exact the same  ugly pants. That questions... oh well, that questions actually everything.