
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The first message...

   ...after my coming back home was the message sent by my sister. "North Korea shelled South Korea". At first I thought of it as a bad joke, but somehow I managed to get up from bed and check the news. Nope, she wasn't joking. North Korea did fire dozens of rounds and South repelled by firing around 80 rounds towards North shores. The tension escalated to this. In March, South Korean ship Cheonan was allegedly sunk by North (they never pleaded guilty in this, saying all evidences were fabricated), few days ago North informed about the nuclear facility with fully operational system. And what's more, North always says it's South that is bringing the peninsula to the brink of the war.
An american carrier left the base south of Tokyo and went to South Korea waters to conduct the exercises with Korean naval fleet. This move will enrage the North and probably irk China.
   I really do hope South can show some dose of political wisdom and hold up every aggresive move. Because if not, every conflict with hanging over the abyss North will end up with a total war. Meaning - nuclear war. The peninsula will be devastated. I hope it's another, more violent though (latest reports say about two civilians killed on the island) cry for help from impoverished North. I hope it will vanish with time. But still, as long as the dynasty of deranged people will rule any country, Peace and War will have their games all over.
And yes, I have to go with my sister in faith, Aili, those numbnuts fangirls worry about actors in the army. Damn you all people, when your country is in danger, nothing counts.