
Friday, October 29, 2010

THIS will replace Seongkyunkwan...

... in the timeslot, definitely not in my heart. It will imprint an indelible stain in my mind though. Am I biased? Maybe. I will watch the first episode with as much indifference as I can muster up, but if I don't like it, no hordes of mad fans can convince me otherwise. And it's not like I will watch it with a bias already. Now I'm biased toward every single photo I saw, but it may all vanish when I see the actual drama. So... "don't put your religion on me, pal!". But I usually don't drag. If I don't like the drama after the first episode, I don't continue.
Quote from hancinema:

The mood of this wedding is basically bright and warm. Jang Geun-seok was wearing a neat white shirt inside and a black tuxedo outside; he also changed his hairstyle to waved brown hair. Moon Geun-yeong was wearing a mini wedding dress which was decorated with a big pink ribbon on her waist, and also wearing a wedding veil with mini tiara.
Their sullen look specially catches people's eyes.
Jang Geun-seok, after the photoshoot said, “Mary looks really beautiful especially today. Am I looking stylish today, too? I hope viewers enjoy the photos as we enjoyed filming them.”
Moon Geun-yeong said, “This dress has a different design than the last time but I love them both. I also really like my hair style. I really enjoyed shooting today with different concepts.”

I would like to say something nice about our vain boy(?) but I can't. I'm sorry. Even if it's a joke, it procrastinates way too long. My countless pointing out this trait of his verbal masterpieces also tires people, so I heard. So, let's not tire each other, ok?
And yes, on every photo here and earlier, he looks constipated, and Miss Moon looks retarded. My opinion, stone me cause it's not favorable. But I thought that I have the right to say it. Give me his email and I write it directly.
Plus: "Their sullen look specially catches people's eyes." You know, "sullen" rhymes with "Cullen" and it's not the best connotation for me...

So, Korea accepted the same sex marriages?
Images and info credits: hancinema^^