
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday morning

   I guess it's now official - I'm doing short movies on every Sunday morning. OK, I've done it twice so far, so let's not jump to conclusion and do not base a theory on the fact I'm lazy. I have to do something meaningful today (hmm... dinner is naturally out), so I guess I will make some wallies... emm... not exactly the right answer.
First, KNG cut from Mnet WIDE.
And yes, he's ranked 25th, and Kim The Table Hyeonjung is around 6th? Can't remember clearly. Yu Ah-in is higher. Poor JKS, he's not on the list at all, but they are so biased, why didn't they include gender-confused stars? Shame on them!

Then the rest of some interesting cuts mixed in one. Ah, So Jisub...
Oh well, something for Aili as well, Won Bin is number 3 star of the future, hehe^^

And the cuts fom Movie World:
Especially for Ryu Seungyong and Ha Jeongwu fans out there! Ara, cheers!

So, since I'm hated anyway, I present my last week Sunday (last Sunday would sound somewhat sepulchral) video I made after seeing some pics from Taiwan. We know whose pictures, and we had oh so great laugh at them.