
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Kim Dasol

  Date of Birh: 13 IV 1989 Pusan (oh, that makes me feel so old). Winner of the International Piano Competition in Nagoya and the Chopin Competition in Asia, Tokyo. In 2008 received third prize in the International Music Competition in Geneva. Has performed in South Korea and Germany. Appearances as a soloist with, inter alia, the Pomeranian Philharmonic Orchestra of Bydgoszcz. (info and pic: Chopin IFCC )
If my sister's job wasn't connected to the Classical Music, I wouldn't even know about it. What's more, she cheered for him and liked his performance. Plus she said he's cute.
My sister, mind you, is totally into Western things, she knows about Asia only the fact that it exists. No, seriously, she was awared of Koreans during the whole competition. Yey for that!

She said that he should have passed the third round.
From what I read on different fora, this is not only her opinion. I may be biased toward Koreans and wish them the best, but she knows her stuff, and if she says he was good, he was good. Plus, other experts also say the same thing.
Pity, the next Competition in 5 years.
Videos from the competition (not all, cause his face expressions are priceless, so I took only videos, not audio):