
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

More manly voices

   No, no Mr. Hong Kwangho this time, but I found few other videos of that enchanting gentleman and I will present it in a short time^^...
First, Kim Dongwuk. We were talking with Peggy on D-A about some singers (mostly old ones, cause we share the same passion for the music of 20's, 30's and 40's) and she mentioned one video featuring his song. Seriously, I fell from my chair recognizing the song. Because this song, in a different arrangement was used in a dancing scene in No Regret. And since I love this movie to bits, the love for JK (Kim Dongwuk) followed.
His voice is coarse, sandy, strong. It may not be everyone's cup of coffee, if you prefer delicate, balls-less, airy singing - stay the hell outta here. Because Kim Dongwuk shows how to convey the emotions - despair, love, loneliness, happiness. Technically he's great. He is not afraid of experimenting with his voice, sometimes he leans on the tune, and sometimes the music leans onto him.
The other man is Alex. He was one of the pillars (if not the main column) of Clazziquai. OK, I have to admit, Clazziquai is sometimes my-oh-so-my cup of moccha, but sometimes it's just plain americano I hate. Yes, I hate hip-hop, so every time I heard it I just skipped the song and didn't even bother to listen.
But on his solo album there are ballads, only one song with unorthodox hip-hop, but he has collaborated with Whale (from W & Whale and we know I love this project and her voice^^) in one song - Waltz Lesson. What surprised me, it was the bonus track - Hwabun (Flowerpot). I love this song in Loveholic version, and Alex' voice just added the strange tint to this song. It immediately landed on my playlist.
Unlike JK, Alex' voice is velvety, soft, but can be emotionless sometimes (have no idea how he does this).

First, Kim Dongwuk and his Foolish Love, track nr 2 on his first album Lifesentence (2002?)

Alex - Hwabun:

And Hwabun in Loveholic's version:

Nice listening^^