
Sunday, July 25, 2010

My first time...

   ...with subbing the video, hehe^^
It took me the whole weekend, it's not perfect, but I guess no one posted the video of his goodbye with English subs, or I just didn't look for it carefully enough. Hope it works, so you can understand why I admire him, ne?
The video has Japanese subtitles on the side, but they are a little bit irritating and I'm not that good to remove them. I based my translation on what I heard (especially nice voice over was really understandable), plus there was a Korean transcript on the screen. Letters were small, and you know how a small stroke can change it all in this beautiful, hellish language, that is why when I wasn't sure, I just skipped. That is why it took me so long. I planned to use the help of Japanese subs, but they weren't exactly the subs just reporting what's going on. As I'm inexperinced (please, be gentle), I used the same technique, because I had problems with timing and didn't want to write every line. It was a mess when I tried.
Plus, Daryn, thank you for your help^^
Still have no idea how to add comments, and KNG called Ko Hyun Jung "noona" and I wanted to add it, but I couldn't do it... stupid me, stupid. But I'm learning.
That man made me do such things... I love inspiring men, heh.
Speaking of which, if I had to admit, both JKS and KHJ inspired me to some other things, but to call them "men" is beyond my mental and physical bearance (I know this word doesn't exist, but hey!, I'm creative!).

Actually I did the subs till around 4:20, there is an additional minute, but I just let it go...