
Friday, July 09, 2010

Bad Guy: 나쁜 남자 : Kim Nam Gil

Ekhem.. I will stay still, I will stay firm. As much as I can. But those eyes...
Damn it, why do you have such gaze??

 Don't drink alone, dear, wait for me. What a pair we would make... such a bad character as yourself, and such a b*tch like me... we could set the world on fire...

But I have no idea why SBS didn't release the original version of that scene:

A good man in rain is even better...

No, don't stop!! Just take it off! It's all wet, dear...

We all know he likes to be goofing around. Eh, Namgil-nim, what to make out of this pieces of puzzles called Kim Nam Gil?

 Message from Ethlenn:"Don't come back without the ice-creams!!" Upss, should have read this earlier...
 "Hmm... I'm dead meat..."

"Nah, just wait... I will write I'm stuck in some traffic and had to eat them."

"He he, I'm just too bad, she will fall for it..."

"Looks like she didn't. I'm dead."

 I sensed something was wrong with this coffee. It's not the coffee at all...