
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Another useless death

Actor Park Yong ha was found dead in his own house. There may be many different reasons for that, the fact is one - a young (32) man is dead. According to various sources he suffered from insomnia for the last 14 years relying on sleeping pills. Also, after starting his own management company, due to another manager's mistake it went into a crisis.
This is not the firs, and not the last, I fear, death caused by an unbearable pressure.
Last year the death of Jang Ja Yun shocked everyone. After that, her letter was discovered in which she explained she was being used by her management, and even forced to have sex with some high-profile bosses. As she had no parents, and apparently no friends, she chose suicide as the only choice.
Korean entertainment is like hell. We may admire some actors, but if it comes to some young "idols" created to fulfill the needs of the younger audience, the pressure becomes too hard to cope with. If some "stars" have the back up from their families or friends, they have the possibility to release their stress, to just feel "normal" for some time, even short. But when they are under the control of a big Agency, they can do nothing. They are forced to sign the contracts that can be described as "slave" contracts (boys from DBSK said that once). I know, they wanted to be famous, one may say, so they should be prepared for the hardship. But it's not that simple as it may seems. Of course, they should know that being a star it's not only candies at the parties, but also a huge expectations and less strength to meet them.
That is why some numbnuts are popping around the Asia as a big bunny or glitter in the dark, but they don't think for themselves. And if they do, and it's all their own idea, they're just dumb, lets face it.
Another useless death. if only someone paid more attention. If only... there's always some stupid, useless "if only...".

Be born again in a peaceful world, Park Yong Ha.