
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Late Spring thoughts

I was coming home from work on foot (I forgot my wallet and didn't have time to buy a monthly pass earlier, as I said, I'm dumb lately) around 9.30 pm, and I was walking along one of two biggest cemeteries in my city. Then I smelled this unusual smell. You may say all cemeteries smell alike. It's not the reek of cadavre, no, no, it's more like humid leaves after the rain. Something mixed with smoke from candles and feeble, almost undistinctive smell of the flowers. There are always trees at cemeteries. I have mixed feelings about it. One is a romantic feeling: picture someone sitting under the tree on a bench, in the shadow of a big breech or oak, staring at the grave of someone loved. The other reason is more practical: birds just give a sh*t about graves and solemnity.
Suddenly I felt strange. I'm not sure what feeling was in majority in it. It was rather a mixture of uncertainty, loss, relief, awe... I don't know...
But then a kitty appeared. I guess it didn't intend to meet someone alive at this time at this place. We were looking at each other for some time. Kitty was stupefied (and maybe petrified at the same time), I was pleased I could see a kitty^^
Especially on days like this...