
Friday, March 19, 2010

Kamikakushi - updated March 22

Since I don't like posts without pictures, this one, completely unrelated to the post. Oh, no I know, it's because Nataku was my favorite character in manga. That is why he popped into my mind and I could find a pic of him on my HD.
I really don't have time for doing this, but I would do anything that could give me a break. I'm currently writing an article on kamikakushi. And it's going extremely good, considering those 2 glasses of wine.
What the hell, today is that one saddest day in a year and I can drink!
I will try to write something more here on kamikakushi when I'm done with two articles I need to write.

The second one will be easier, lot more data to collect, and I know more on it - it will be on animals in Japanese beliefs.

Still, I feel more like watching some drama. Maybe HYD Final? I just love the ending on the beach*^^*
But the good news is, I finally started to write after a month of fighting my own thoughts.

OK. links to Legends of Tono and one article on kamikakushi^^
Legends of Tono
The Spirit-Captives of Japan's North.pdf

Nice reading^^