
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Attack The Gas Station 2

I was shocked when I saw Attack the Gas Station some time ago. I liked the story, characters, their hilarious reactions and lines. So, naturally, I became skeptical with the part 2. And to be honest, it is nowhere near the original.

Attack the Gas Station 

Genres: Action, Crime and Comedy 
Running Time: 111 min. 
Directed by: Kim Sang-jin 
Starring: Park Young-kyu, Ji Hyun-woo, Jo Han-sun

The action starts 10 years after the (in)famous attack on Mr. Park's gas station. So he hires four men to get his revenge, but turns out that these guys are more dangerous and completely unhinged than men they were hired against. Among them is a video player, the funniest, I think, character, who mastered the great and ancient way of...bluffing.

Yes, entertaining. I liked some of the jokes. But still, memories of original linger...